
My son is 7yrs old and his Father sent him home with The Dragon Chronicles. Is this age appropriate ?

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My ex and I are disagreeing with some of the material he sends home for my son. I deal with the nightmares when he comes home at night. I can not find an age level on this book. Please help.. and.. are there any better options for his age. Thank you




  1. Explain to your ex the best you can that these are giving him nightmares and you need him to stop letting the boy see such things. My son had post traumatic stress from the scary movies his Dad let him watch. I actually had to put him in therapy over it. The courts in return ordered the father to parenting class and go to the same therapist so he could see how he was hurting our son. He was closely monitored for about 6 months. If he let my son see any scary movies or inappropriate materials he would have to be on supervised visits. I hope you can work this out more peacefully than we did. God bless and good luck.

  2. i am not sure but you can go to google and see what the book is about in detail and then choose if he can handle it cause i dont know your son and what he can handle and what gives him nightmares

  3. I would either read the book first myself to judge for myself its appropriateness and if the book would be too scary for my children to read.

    Or read it together during the day so that if he does find it frightening he's not remembering the scary parts right before he goes to sleep.

    Every review I read raved about the book, however, no where could I find any age recommendation.

    You know your son better than anyone else (including your ex, apparently), perhaps he would enjoy sports themed Matt Christopher book instead.

    Good luck....

  4. I also could not find a recommended age for this book and haven't seen it so I can't make a real recommendation.

    But, I'll say this: every child is different.  My daughter is fearless and my son is afraid of the Count on Sesame Street.  Only you and your son can decide what is right for him.  Try flipping through the book and asking him to read a page or explain a page to you.  Assess his attitude that way and see if it seems frightening or too advanced.

    Try taking him to a library or bookstore to see what he likes and ask the children's librarian for a recommendation.

    Good luck!

  5. i am a former children's librarian and those books (they are a series) are in our YA section. (YA= young adult). these books are a little inappropriate for a child of his age. Harry Potter is better, but not much. I would recommend series books like goose bumps, gross and ghostly but age appropriate.

  6. He is your son, YOU have to decide whether these books are appropriate for you son.

  7. My son is 7 and we bought one of those books from the book fair, I think it is age appropriate

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