
My son is 8 months. How do i introduce table food?

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when do i introduce table food. he always wants to try what im eating. he has 2 jars of baby food at lunch, and usually a total of 4 bottles a day.. should he get more than one meal a day? im a new mom. :)




  1. you can start by giving him mashed potatoes and bananas things that are soft and can be easily mashed. apple sauce is good too. you just try out different things and see what he likes that's what i did for my daughter.

  2. Give him  his regular foods...whatever he's on...rice cereal, then other cereals. Once he's okay with those, do Gerber vegetables....once he's okay with those, move on to Gerber fruits. And also give him anything that can "melt" in his mouth. Like Cheerios or those Gerber Puffs or's a good idea, once you introduce those table foods, to just give him what you're eating. Maybe not the meats unless they fall apart in your mouth and he has a good set of teeth...but if you're having mashed potatoes and peas, give him those...or if you're having french toast, give him that in little pieces. This way, he'll be more open to what you're eating and feel like he's a part of your mealtime.

  3. I am not sure why you would want to introduce table food at that age but it is quite simple. Give him things he can put into his mouth such as peas, beans, diced fruit, etc

  4. Start with easy to dissolve foods like Gerbers Graduates Finger Food puffs. They dissolve easily. Gram crackers, small pieces of bread are also good starters. Just make sure it is not a choking hazard. You could also take regular food and put it in a food processer and feed it to him with a spoon.

  5. At 8 months, I was giving my daughter three meals a day with bottles and snacks in between. She was having about three 8 ounce bottles a day and also snacking on fruit bars or Gerber's Puffs.

    By a year, she was on table food completely, as that's what my pediatrician wanted me to do. At 6 months, I was giving her some things like bread, mashed potatos, steamed & diced vegetables and certain fruits.

    I also introduced a cup at 6 months. I only ever put water or juice in it. I tried putting her formula in it and she flipped out.

    Stay away from citrus fruits, fish, peanuts, and obviously anything your baby can choke on. It's not rocket science :) good luck!

  6. At 8 months he could be eating everything you eat, except steak. He should be having 3 meals a day and start usng a sippy cup. At breakfast start off with something soft like pancakes, make sure everything is cut up to the size of a pea. Make sure he is starting to gum his food, he doesn't need teeth to chew food. I have all children on regular table food by 10 -11 months, the earlier you start and the better variety you offer the easier toddler hood will be. Make sure you are offering meats, because some children struggle with the texture of meats and then will struggle with actually chewng the meat after a year old. I use a food grinder and grind all foods that have texture, if you do not have a food grinder then just use a fork and mash your veggies some, allow chunks so he will start chewing. Grind your meat and as he gets used to more and more chunks in his food then stop grinding everything and just cut it up small. Always keep baby foods on hand and offer them after he eats the table food to make sure he is being satisfied. I have a one year old right now and she was eating sausage and hot dogs (cut up pea size) by one year. She is now 15 months old and she has not had any baby food since 10 months old. She takes bites off of hamburgers and chicken, and she even eats well cooked steak.

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