
My son is 8 months old, can I give him teething tablets?

by Guest31747  |  earlier

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Are teething tablets safe? I don't want to give him anything that might be bad for him. Any comments on these tablets?




  1. Yes. They are safe. My daughter has used them off and on since she was 3 months old. I don't think they really work all that well, but her grandma does, and she's the only one that gives them to her.

    My daughter enjoys chewing on a wet washcloth for her gums much better.  

  2. ive been giving them to my son since he was only two months and they work great for him...

  3. oh yeah. my doc let me give my daughter them at 6 mo. when her first tooth came in.

    they are perfectly safe.

    just follow the directions on the bottle as to the dosage.

    they are ok to pair with baby tylenol as well. so, if your little one is in super pain, you can use both.

    i did.

    good luck.

  4. Yep, they're safe.  We've used them with my daughter since she got her first tooth at 4.5 months old.  If it gets really bad we will also give her Tylenol and on a really really bad day we may use baby oragel.  I never could get her to take to the teethers very well, we tried frozen washcloths, cold teethers, teething blankets, she wasn't really interested in any of them.  We did use a mesh feeder (you can get at Target) and put an ice cube in there, she liked that.  Or a sippy cup with ice cold water, that feels good on the gums.  Good luck :)  Hope your little man feels better soon!

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