
My son is 8 yrs old & dreams of being a firefighter.. how would someone in louisiana go about being one?

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My son is 8 yrs old & dreams of being a firefighter.. how would someone in louisiana go about being one?




  1. You have to go through various training, firefighting is an extreamly dangerous job and can be deadly. Ask your local fire station if you can go visit them, i know someone who was able to go experiance this just by calling

  2. Try askin' at the local community college...

  3. Aww, that's cute :)

    My brother wanted to be a bus driver when he was that age, now he's studying to be an engineer.

    Boys usually want to be fire fighters, police, etc. because to them they are like hero figures =)

  4. he will go through many of these dreams




    biker etc...

    kids try on all sorts of things when they are small

    he is only 8 give him time to be a kid and have fun

    also just check it out online

    to be a firefighter you have to go to an academy and it is very hard and very dangerous and like 2/3 of the guys dont graduate

    I would encourge him to a more safe and better paying job as he gets older

  5. Most places I've seen require you to apply for a position with their department, similar to any number of civil service jobs.  If his application is accepted, he may be called in for a series of interviews and tests (written and physical).  If he passes all of the testing he may be offered a position and enrolled in their fire academy.  After completing the academy training program, he will be a firefighter.  

    Since he's only 8, I'm guessing he's not ready to apply yet, so here are some things he can do to prepare:

    Get involved in community projects.  Volunteer with the local volunteer FD if available when he is old enough.  Once he graduates high school (or while still in HS, if possible), enroll in some basic college-credit courses - general requirements like speech, composition, mathematics, sciences, etc.  See if he can find an IFSTA-certified Firefighter I class that he can attend.  Also, it would help him find a position if he gets some level of EMS certification, like EMT-Basic.  Join a fire department Explorer post if there is one in the area (check with the Boy Scouts of America for this).

    Most importantly, tell him to keep his nose clean, stay out of trouble, and become a respected member of the community.

    Also, tell him to never give up on his dream.  He may not make it the first time around, but if it's what he wants, keep working at it, and it will come.  I wish I had done it when I was younger.  Wish him the best of luck for me!

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