
My son is 9, every night his goodnites leak. He's ticked he cant go to sleepovers, what to do?

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My son is 9, every night his goodnites leak. He's ticked he cant go to sleepovers, what to do?




  1. Have him wear diapers.

  2. Take him to the GP and get a referral to an 'Enuresis' Nurse. Enuresis is the name given to 'night bed wetting'.  It is nothing to do with not drinking before bed etc  It is a brain to bladder signal immaturity.  My son who is 9 had the same thing but we treated it when he was 6.  The program takes about 6 to 8 weeks to complete and what it does is trains the brain to recognise the signals it is getting from the bladder to say it is full and waking up instead of wetting.  I was sceptical at first but it was the best thing we did and we have not looked back.

    Your local doctor will be able to help you but please consider doing this, it will be the best thing for him too aswell as you.......Good luck

  3. I think you need to take him to a doctor.  A family member of mine wet the bed until she was about 18.  Sometimes the bladder is just not able to handle the long period of time with no relief.  

    Another idea which may seem kind of weird is to give him some salty food and limit the amount he drinks after a certain time.  That will cause water retention so the bladder will not fill up as fast with urine.

  4. For sure, find out if there is a medical problem first off.  If so, the doctor can recommend a course of action and nighttime products to help.

    Saying he is lazy right off, well that is horrid!

    If there is not a medical problem (which would be a good thing), then seek advice on what to do next, bed wetting alarm, therapy, bio-feedback, alarm setting, etc. may do the trick.

    Best of luck!

    (Has he tried wearing two?)

  5. if your boy does not have a medical condition that is causing the night time wetting you need to try some behavior modifacation. first off get rid of the diapers, invest in some rubber sheets and get ready for some conflict. you will have to start a STRICT schedule of waking your boy every two hours a night for a trip to the restroom, afrer a week or two lengthen the time in between wake ups to 2 and one half hours and so on untill he can make it through the night. also no liquids 3 hrs before bed.also begin taking away privleges for wetting, might surprise you how fast your problems dry up.

    good luck.

  6. I say take him to the doctor and get him actual diapers like pampers or huggies...yes u will have to change him, and i know neither of u will like that but they hold 5 times as more as he wouldn't leak in them

  7. Make sure that he doesn't drink anything at least 2 hours before he goes to bed. And, a few minutes before he does, make sure that he goes to the toilet. For further help, seek medical advice.

  8. does he have a problem down there? if not, why is a 9 year old wearing nappies to bed? maybe learn not to be lazy and get to the toilet at 9 years of age.

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