
My son is 9yrs 7month old , .According to the BMI he is overweight by 20 kg. His height is 138 cm. Please hel

by Guest64800  |  earlier

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My son is fond of eating He even goes for swimming. HE likes watching TV .plays games on computer




  1. Hard engineering will no do any help, as when you are not there he will be back to his normal state. What you need to do is to find something, sport that he will like.  Once he has done that then you can get him to join sports clubs and stuff like that.  That way he will get enough exercise to loose some weight.  Also make sure he gets a balanced diet not too much fat food.

  2. Give him healthy food, and don't let him spend a lot of time watching television and or playing computer games

  3. Hun we have the same problem with our daughter but we have now taken the junk food out of the house and replaced it with 'better' food ..i hate using the word diet on a child so i told my daughter we are cutting down ...she lost 5lb this month and this was also doing her dance class and using her wii fit ...just cut the junk out that's what we are doing

  4. Whether or not the BMI is correct, the fact that you are checking it shows that you are concerned about his weight.  

    children should only spend one hour watching tv or video games.  Also he should be eating healthy foods such as the four food groups.  Avoid any drinks that are not juice water or milk.  Its just extra sugar that they dont need.  Try adding some fresh fruit to water for flavor (rasberries and oranges are good)  READ Labels, do not buy anything with trans fat in it or partially hydronated oils in the ingredients.  Watch his sugar and salt intake.  Its not how much he eats its what he is eating.  

    The fact that you said he EVEN goes swimming kind of sent off the signal that the only excersize he gets is swimming.  Get him involved in more active activities.  Invite kids over more often and make a no tv/video game policy when the kids are there.  Ask  him if there are any sports he would like to play in the fall.  Go do things with him, walks around the neighborhood, bike rides.  Good luck and get that boy out in the sunshine!

  5. a lot of kids are a little over.  If you are really concerned I would suggest talking with his doctor and see what they think.  I would not put him on any diets or anything without first  contacting his pediatrician.

    good luck

  6. I would NOT worry about it for a second.  Those charts are actually unrealistic if you ask me. They would have everyone but super models listed as overweight because that is how that make their money.

  7. why don't u put him on a diet and give him healthyer foods. of unplug the TV!!!

  8. when i was 9-10 years old i was also overweight. now i look like this :

    and im 16 (ignore the ckomments on my pick plz)

    what i did was while watching tv, i ate organic foods (VERY healthy). Try to get him to walk more where ever he goes. or maybe get a friend to help out to walk wit him.for a while. thats what i did. show him that healthy foods can be tasty. no more mcdonalds for a while. maybe onece every two weeks but dats da most. i eventually got used to running and started a sport (basketball, football) and my heros or w/e wwere the athletes who played those sports. so i wanted to be like them.

    just cut down on fatty foods. make sure he can get A LOT of excersise with running/walking (30-45 minutes a day of an active activity) n eventually he'll love it and maintain his weight.

    i used to hate healthy fod ad running also until i got my first gf. all of a sudden i wanted to be perfe3t for her. alotta guys intimidated me too.

    so you need health, motivation, and you need to watch his time watching tv or being on the ckomputer

    hope i helped :)

  9. simple!!!! eat healthy!!

    My son also loves watching t.v and the playstation and the computer as his sister is 11 years younger (he's 12)  he has no one else to play with.

    Change your lifestyle, instead of buying packets of chip buy packets of popcorn......instead of muslie bars give carrots and celery......instead of choc custard buy lite yogot.

    Hope this helped and maybe get him to play a sport, my son doesnt really like team sports so tennis is a good one.

  10. you need to limit his tv and computer time, and cut down on his sweets and force him to be more active even if that means you have to be active with him..

  11. He does sound like he's in trouble if he's 20kg over weight.  Thats a lot extra for a little kid to be carrying around.

    What is he getting for snacks?  Is he munching when he's online playing those games?

    Time to drop the junk food, get some healthier stuff on the menu, and maybe get him outside and moving around a bit more.  Computer games and the game systems were the worst things ever invented as far as kids health goes!

  12. He needs to be enrolled in some activities that include regular stretches and exercise such as swimming or karate.  

    He should not be drinking fruit juices and sugary sodas.   Besides the sugar in sodas, the phosphorus leaches your gones of calcium.    If he drinks them and you cannot get him to stop, then switch to diet.   There are some health concerns about the sweeteners in diet drinks, but there are also health concerns about too many calories.

    If the TV's and video games go off then he will become bored and GET UP to find something to do.    He should have a TV or video game "allowance", so that his couch potato time is limited.   Sort of by accident, I found a way to enforce this.  My TV was plugged into a power strip, and when I wanted to remind the kids of "no tv", I would turn the power off at the strip, so that when they hit the TV power button, it wouldn't go on.

    Generally, if you shop the outer walls of the grocery store, you will get healthier whole foods meals, fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy and meats.  The center of the store has pre-packaged foods like hamburger helper and pizzas which are generally more refined carbohydrates and higher in salt, sugar and fat.    He should be required to eat at least a few bites of fruits and vegetables at every meal.   You should be using whole grain breads, to increase fiber content.   There are some really tasty, nutty 7-grain breads that taste great.  

    Where possible, you can reduce fat and calories by choosing milk and dairy products with a reduced fat content, such as lower fat milk, "light" butter or "light" sour cream.    Don't go to fat free though, because it is nasty stuff.   Also, milk with a higher fat content lasts longer in your fridge and may taste better to you, so you may have compromise.

    You should not make a big deal of putting him on a "diet".  Instead, just start substituting things gradually.  Don't try to do everything at once.   Try things gradually and see if you can get him switched over to some healthier foods.  If something doesn't work, then don't fight it.   Every change you make will help, so he can keep a few of his favorites, except sugary colas.  Remember, anything is allowed once in a while as a special treat.

    If you have a place to do it, and can afford it, you might want to get some play equipment that will inspire outdoor exercise.  A new bicycle or skateboard, a "treehouse", a trampoline, a pool, or a skateboard ramp.   Whatever will get him moving.  Yes, trampolines and skateboards can be dangerous, but it can also be dangerous to sit on your couch too much.

    Best of luck!!!

  13. With computers and tv monopolizing entertainment more and more children are becoming overweight. If he likes video games, try buying him Dance Dance Revolution, this is a great way to get his heart working and the calories burning! Just encourage him to go out and play, maybe get a frisbee or some squirt guns and go run around outside with him!

  14. If you want more helpful advice then please tell us his weight, you only give his height and that you think he is 20 Kg over. If you give us his actual weight then we can tell you if you are right or not.

    At that age the BMI charts used for adult are totally diferrent from what children should be, so don't follow them. If he really is 20 Kg overweight then I think you would know.

    If you are unsure take him to your local GP and they should be able to determine if he really is overweight - he might not be.

    I would actually take him to a doctor anyway because yahoo answers should'nt be your main source for medical advice incase it is wrong.

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