
My son is a having s*x. How do I make him stop?

by  |  earlier

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Earlier on today, I went to visit my son to drop off some of my special spaghetti sauce for him and his girlfriend. I used the key I made for myself to get in, and promptly looked around.

He wasn't there.

So I walked up the stairs and began to hear some noises, like he was throwing up or something. I let myself into his room and what I saw absolutely disgusted me.

He was having s*x with his girlfriend.

I screamed and threw my spaghetti sauce down, and spilled out from the Tupperware all over the floor. While screaming, I grabbed his girlfriend by her shoulders and yanked her off of him, throwing her to the floor. My son stood up and we both began yelling and arguing. Finally, I slapped him, saying, "You are not married! God will punish you for this!"

And grabbed his girlfriend by her hair, dragging her out into the hallway. She screamed and cried and he chased after me, pulling my arm from her hair.

His girlfriend ran into his bedroom and I could hear her sobs. I was so furious that I just stormed down the stairs and left.

They aren't married! You can't have s*x when you aren't married!

The liberal media is corrupting people's minds, let me tell you...

What should I do about this!? I don't want my son to go to h**l!




  1. i think you should join a nunnery and that way you wont have to see any of the stuff that goes on in real life. oh, and take your special sauce with you, too.  

  2. This sounds made up.

  3. You can't have s*x when you aren't married!

    Hate to break it to you sweety, but yes people can, and do.

    Can't means, physically impossible.

    God doesn't d**n people to h**l.

    If he is supposed to be all forgiving, h**l doesn't exist.

    Get over yourself. Stop forcing your lifestyle and beliefs on your son, it won't work.

    and that's real "Christian" Like of you to drag the girl by her hair.

    Some religious woman you are.

  4. um you really cant do anything.

    and this sounds made up.

    "I used the key I made for myself " and "And grabbed his girlfriend by her hair, dragging her out into the hallway".

    lol r u kidding me.

    if it is real, and if he does not live with you, then what are you gonna do??????? really?

  5. madame, you did the right thing. i have a son too and i get crucified on here for loving him. my son is so young, only 23. he has never had s*x and doesn't even know what masturbation is. we as mothers must protect our sons from this evil!

    right on mama!

  6. are you out of your mind!!! this aint the 1920's!!!!" get a life!

  7. the bible also says women should cover their heads, is your head covered?

    the bible also says that women should be covered, are you covered?

    the bible also says that s*x is for procreation only, do you enjoy s*x?

    the bible also says not to lust after others, have you never lusted?

    the bible also says not to mix fibers in your clothing, what are you wearing today?

    the bible also says not to eat pork or shellfish, how do you like your pork chops cooked? how bout that bacon?

  8. um this sounds fake.. but in case it is real people have s*x before marriage these days it just happens there are very few people who dont engage in it,you telling him that wont make him stop.

  9. Cut off his beanus and place it in a vault for safe keeping.

  10. Lmao, this is the 21st century. Your son is old enough to choose what

    he wants to do with his life, without having interference from some archaic parent. I would think this is one reason why he has his own apartment. And as far as God punishing him is concerned, you should be punished for assaulting his girlfriend. You could have been arrested for assault.

    I would also apologize to him if you ever expect to have a loving relationship with your son.

  11. How old is your son?  

    You made your own key?

    How old is the Girlfriend?

    Only God can judge--not you!

  12. you are so wrong!! your going to drive him away from you. you had no right to do what you done it totally his choice!!! and you also shouldn't have invaded his privacy!!! he can do what he wants and believe what he wants to believe,

    if my boyfriends mum did that on me i'd actually kick her f**k in! seriously, your sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we don't all believe what you do you nutter!

  13. If there in love and being sensible, what does marriage matter?

    Thats assault you shouldnt have done that, he's old enough to move out, he can make his own decisions  



    you're obviously full of sht because your account was just created

  15. serious lady you messed up big time.. you have no right to pull his girlfriend by her hair its not her fault.....

    it takes two.. and you shouldve never done that...

    he already started... its not liek he is going to stop now... you'll be lucky if he ever talks to you again..... if my mom behaved the way you did... i wouldnt talk to her for a long time..

    you owe him and his girlfriend an apology... and you need to get real

  16. He won't stop...

    p.s you're crazy

  17. **** your an obsesive mom, if he has his own place surely he's old enough to make his own decisions.



  18. oh my god lady..he's not going to h**l. i think the way you acted was a bit over the top. how do you think they felt and how embarrassed they were that you caught them..i think you should have a talk with your son about having safe s*x.

  19. New generation, lots of people have s*x before marriage, its normal now days.


  20. you believe in god, and you see this is the right way

    to not have s*x before your marriage

    but your son may not believe in this he may have

    different views you cannot control your soon hes

    a grown man and if he does believe in this then

    he knows he will be going to h**l, and he will learn

    himself but you cannot stop him from having s*x

    why do you have a key anyway! your his mum not

    somebody that is living with him, leave him to it!

  21. Wow!  You just made him want to have s*x even more.  What makes you such an authority of God?  Times have changed.  Your son is not going to trust you with anything anymore.  Are you a Jehovah's witness or something?  Lighten up.  You should have just talked to him about it.  

  22. You need to be smart about this. Don't be heavy handed. Tell him that he can only have s*x with you until he shows he is responsible enough to have s*x with someone else in a caring and committed relationship.

  23. This is quite a little story you've written, but it's obviously not true.  If you want your fictitious questions to be believed, you need to tone them down a little.

  24. Oh gosh. This is 2008. people are aloud to have s*x if there not married. its not agaisnt the law women.

    He will not go to h**l for that!

  25. You should apoligize to your son and to his girlfriend.  Why do you think that he is living with his girlfriend but abstinant?  It is none of your business and you should pray for youself for being judgemental and selfish.

  26. stupid lady grow up and leave him alone i hope the girl sues your stupid @ss and get lots of $$$$$$  

  27. God will love him no matter what

  28. Get real, lady.  He's not going to stop and he shouldn't.

  29. You either put up with it or lose your son.

    He's made this decision himself.

  30. UMMM, YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET REAL

  31. listen lady if ur son is over 18 he can do whatever he wants we're not in 1950'z anymore he won't go to h**l just because he's having s*x god will love anybody no matter what!

    ok itz his life and he can do w/e hje wants u shouldn't have made a key if he didn't give it to u soo ur wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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