
My son is about to be 8 and he still...?

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wets the bed about half the time and has to wear pull ups... is this a normal age for this to still be happening? I mean, I understand an accident every once in a while but every other night? To the point where he is still wearing the biggest possible pull ups they make?

The neighbor is 10 and his best friend. he started spending the night about a year ago and kinda made fun of him for it... even back then my son was 6 and he was 8... so I knwo the neighbor wasn't doing it at 8...




  1. Some boys have the bed wetting dilemma up to the age of ten.  It could be something that might be making him wet his bed, it could be that he's nervous about something or it could be something that is school related, or something new that is going on in his life or at home.

    It could be anything so you can talk to him about it.  You can also bring it up with his pediatrician the next time he goes in.

    Another reason might be is how much  he had to drink before bed time and if he goes to the bathroom before bed.

    My son is 6 now and we had a cut off time for him and his siblings, they can't have anything to drink after 6 p.m. (their bed time time is 8) and they have to use the bath room before going to bed. We started this when  they were 3  and 2  1/2 years old and so far it works for us.

    We had accidents every now and then but that's mostly because the kids some times forgot to use the bath room or we gave  them water before bed. Its gotten way better now and we don't have to remind the kids, they know what to do.

    The key is consistency, so in order for it to work you have to  do this every night with out fail.

  2. First of all get a doctor to check him out...he may not be fully developed...the problem may be a simple urinary development...Do not chide him ....get him checked out.

    And do not compare him to other children.

  3. No, it is not normal.  But some children wet the bed until they are in their teens.  Michael Landon wrote a book about it before he died, maybe your library has a copy of it.  You could read it and get a better understanding.

  4. I would talk to your dr. And dont give him drinks or anything for like an hour or two before bed. My sisters little girl has the same problem. She started getting her up every 3 or 4 hours throughout the night to make her use the bathroom. Let me tell ya it must be helping because she is now down to getting her up like once a night now and she hasnt had to wear pull ups or had any accidents. But if its real bad i would talk to your dr. There is medicine they can give him. Im sure it is embarresing for him to have to wear pullups in front of friends.

  5. I would suggest you take him to a doctor. In the mean time......children seem to learn better if they can feel what they do. get a plastic mattress cover and let him wet the bed. He needs to also help change the sheets. I don't think that is mean, it just shows him it would be easier to get up and go to the bathroom. Most kids just sleep too heavy that they don't realize they need to go.

  6. There are many eight-year-olds who still need pull-ups at night.....that's why they make them in such large sizes.  At least one out of ten children of this age is still having nightly accidents.

    Is your son a very deep sleeper?  If so, this may be the reason he still needs his pull-ups.  He just can't wake himself up to go to the bathroom.   If this is the case, you might want to try waking him up before you go to bed, and taking him to the bathroom.  If you do this for a few weeks, his body will actually adjust to waking up at this time, and he may start to do it on his own.

    But if it takes longer than this to make a change, don't worry about it.  Above all, don't humiliate him or punish him.   It's hard enough on him to be in this predicament.

  7. it could be he has issues with is bladder or maybe some nightmares and he may not be able to wake up when it is happening. Take him to the dr.

  8. have you taken him to the doctor to see if there is something wrong with his bladder. id start with that. then i would start making him go to the bathroom right before bed, nothing to drink an hour before bed. Also it might help to set an alarm for him in the middle of the night so he gets up to go to the bathroom. some kids cant wake themselves up when they have the earge to go to the bathroom. Talk with your doctor, im sure there is technology out there for this sort of issue.

  9. I had a similar problem...from when I was potty trained till age 8 I had little accidents a couple times a year or so...nothing big...but when i hit 8 it really started to my mom put me in pull-ups until it stopped...and around the time I turned 9 it stopped...weird i know...but then when I turned 12 I started having the occasional accidents again...earlier this year( I am 14 now) I had some big mom said if it happens one more time she would put me in goodnites(pull-up style diapers for older bedwetting kids)...but luckily nothing happened and I didn't do it again.

  10. My eight year old was still wetting at 6 years and I took him to the chiropractor.  If he is out of alignment even at 8 years old, he will still wet occasionally.  I take him in for an adjustment when he does have an incident.

  11. im not an expert on this but while ever he has the pull ups on he may still do it.i would suggest a water proof sheet.have you checked with the doc that its not a medical could also try waking him in the night a few times to get into the much is he drinking before he gets into bet.good look.

  12. No.

  13. wellmy friends daughter still wets the bed and  she is small so if your son is small he probaly has a small bladder so thats why make sure he doesnt drink to much before going to bed and if that doesnn't work about after a month consult with a doctor!!!!!

  14. he can't really help it. my little sister stoped using pull ups when she was 3 but i was 5 and a half when i stoped. It all depends on when there bladder can handle it. My 3rd uncle stopped peeing the bed when he was 10. it may not be normal but it's nothing to worrie about.

  15. My son is 8 and wets the bed EVERY night. He has never had a dry night that I can remember. He was potty trained in the day at 2 1/2 and still had the occassional accident until he was about 3. I have tried everything to get him dry at night. I have 3 older boys who never had any night time issues.

    I actually have an appointment Tuesday (I've had the appointment for a couple months and this was the soonest they could get us in) for an ultrasound of his kidney's and bladder to make sure there isn't something medical going on. His pediatrician doesn't seem worried though, he said it is normal for kids to sometimes wet the bed until they hit puberty.

    There are things that can help though. My son takes a medication called Oxybutinin which decreases the amount of urine the body produces for up to 6 hours.

    I have done some research on this. At night the body produces a chemical that reduces the production of urine while we sleep. Often in children, they don't produce enough of this chemical and so they wet as they would during the day.

    My son is a heavy sleeper and does not wake up when he has to go. We have even tried sending him to bed with underwear on thinking he would feel the wetness more and wake up but the poor kid slept all night in his own pee so we decided that was not the problem. He wears a pull up to bed every night. I am hoping for some answers when we go to the pediatric urologist on Tuesday but I have a feeling they will tell me he just needs to outgrow this.

  16. There can be a problem you need to consult your Dr.

  17. It is a bit old, but some boys do that.  My sister's son is about the same age and she bought the pee alarm.  It is a little device that you put in their pull ups at night and it will go off when they start to pee.  This will alert him to get up and go.  I used one for my daughter when she was around 5 and it worked.  You can find them on the internet.  Also, if you see that it is working, I would have him switch to underwear after about a week.   I would also give him a reward at the end of each week, if he's able to make it to the bathroom with just a bit of wetness.  You'll be amazed!

  18. please check with ur Dr first. dont make fun of him he doesn't want to wet the bed who would? some children have small bladders and week muscle control. and it may take longer to develop. check with ur Dr and please be sympathetic

  19. I know people who are between 14 and 20 who still wet the bed. alot of it is lazyness. No drinks before bed and make sure he used the bathroom just before. If that dont work you might need to get to a doctor, they do have medications for that.

  20. My son is 9 (just turned) and has the same problem except that he has NEVER had a dry night. He is a SERIOUS deep sleeper.

    But the one thing that I wanted to tell you is that it's not your fault and I can't belive your mother would make you feel like a bad parent for it.

    Girls tend to get trained earlier than boys. That's all.

    Good luck! To me too! I need it just as much as you! Have a good day!

  21. Talk to your doctor that is not good at all!!!

  22. Try not allowing him to have a drink an hour before bedtime, make sure he goes to pee before he gets in to bed and another thing i learnt was the Get Up To Pee Technique. If he goes to bed before you and you go to bed at say 11pm wake him up and take him to the loo for a wee, he will still be tired but if he will go pee if you help ( or his dad). Then simply put him back in to bed, you should find that this helps.

    There are other things available in shops, there is a sensor machine thing that you place under his bedsheet that will wake him up as soon as he pees a little bit, allowing him to recognise the urge to go and teaching him when to wake.

    Try not using pull ups when you do these because you may find that he is being lazy and knows that he does not have to go pee because the pull ups keep him dry and maybe give him a night light and one that leads to the bathroom at night so he can see, he may be scared to go to the bathroom in the dark.

    Try them and Good Luck x

  23. Maybe it just doesnt wake him up at night when he has to go. I would say nothing to drink for at least two hours before bed, this way anything he drank, he will have peed it out by then. try that for a week or so, if it continues, then call a doctor. Poor kid! I have an 8 year old boy so I feel for you.

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