
My son is addicted to video games. so much so that he stays up all night playing and then sleeps all day.?

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this is bad enough during the summer, but when school starts it is almost impossible to get him to the bus and to school without a major fit. he is 12 years old and going into the 7th grade. every morning is like this. all he does is play games. homwork is just as bad as getting ready. he also refuses to take a bath. is this normal for his age? and if not what can be done?




  1. I have 2 teenagers that are totally addicted to video games and what I have found that works is to limit each day how much time they're permitted to play video games.  The summertime is different than during the school year.  The summer I'm much more relaxed with it.  They have chores and responsibilities and once those are complete, I allow them to play for as long as they want, but when school time comes, they're heavily restricted to 1/2 to 1 hour per day - and that is only AFTER they've completed all of their responsibilities.  

    What I found happens is that they tend to rush through their responsibilities so they can get back to gaming, but I've sat with them and explain my standards and my expectations to them and if they're not meeting them, even if all the dishes are done, for example, but the counters aren't wiped down and the trash taken out and they know these things are part of my expectations, they lose their games for the rest of the day.  It will make them slow down and do it right the first time.

    Also, I expect certain grades.  Our school district allows web access to their grades, which are updated daily, and if any of their grades slip below what our expectations are, they lose their gaming systems until they meet our expectations.

    Its not easy to do, but consistency is critical, and working as a team (meaning giving them the assistance they need - quiet place to do their homework - all the things they need to complete their tasks), it will work out fine.

    I have 1 son that is in ROTC, Marching Band and Soccer at his high school, and he's learned to balance all of that, along with his school work and make time for his games.  With time, practice and consistency it can be done.

    Good luck to you!

  2. He's 12 and going in to 7th grade????? get him away from video games and FAST

  3. its normal,

    get him an alarm clock,

    if you take he video games away he will rebel

    refusing to take a bath is normal, through him in the shower [;

    worry about the homework after he learns how to go to bed and get up

    or you canfind out what game he really wants, and not give it to him until he gets his priorities straight

    if he wants do thathe can, but tell him that your not drivving him if he misses the bus,

    because then he has no chioce but to catch the bus,m

    let him make his own consequinces, because if youu keep helping him by getting him up and ready, hel never learn anythingi

    hope that helps:]

  4. What can be done?  You can step up and be the parent.  Take the computer out of his room.  Put it in a common area, like the living or family room so you can see what he does on it.  Set a limit of hours he can use the computer a day.  Give him a time to be in bed and make sure he abides by it.

    Basically, you need to set rules and have consequences when they are broken.  That's what kids are looking for.

    School and sleep are much more important than video games.

  5. You should take away the gaming system and try enrolling him in some healthier activities. If you feel that he absolutely has to have it then make a time limit for like an hour a day. Set a password on the computer so that he can't get in without your password. He will probably be pretty pissed off about it at first...but he will get over it.

  6. Pull the plug and tell him he can't play video games until he grows up a little.

  7. Mom I think you know what to do.........whos the parent here???? Take the darn thing, bash it in the floor if you have to, there needs to be a set time for use of video games and when it effects everyday routine it's beyond out of control......what the heck everr happened to getting outside and tossing the ball and bike riding?????

  8. What can be done? Put the consoles away where he cant play them. Your the parent here, not him!!

    Why would you allow his homework to suffer? Sounds like you could be part of the problem!

  9. no its not really normal, at that age they should be more active, im 20 and my husbands 22, he's addicted to video games but for different reasons im sure [he served 2 years in iraq for war, and now goes to the video game for a quick kick of adrenaline]  they've done tests and it turns out that some games provide a type of adrenaline that serves the mind and body with a high similar to Cocain, simply take the game away for a little while and set a limit to when and how long he can play! good luck with it, its impossible to get my husband off and he plays for 8-10 hours straight

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