
My son is adopted by his father's parents...?

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My son is adopted by his father's parents. I want the adoption overturned.

I was pressured into signing the papers, and was told that my son was going to be taken away from if something didn't happen.

I couldn't bear sending him to another family where I might not ever see him again, so I agreed, being only 17 at the time, and needing to graduate from highschool.

I'm now graduated, 18 years old, in College, with a steady home, and all of the means I would need to take care of my son and with much appreciated family support (they saw the error of their earlier ways and stepped in) I now have everything needed for him.

What can I do, to get my son back???

Please help.

Thank you all,






  1. If the adoption is final, the only way you could get it revoked is if you could prove fraud.  On the plus side, however, since you know who adopted him, you could ask for occasional visitation and updates on him.

  2. IRS, they can help  u honey

  3. Get legal advice! Best place to start as they know what your chances are.

    Good Luck

  4. if you signed the adoption papers then you can't do nothing. The baby is legally theirs.

    Has the adoption been finalized? if so, then the the baby's father parents is legally the parents.


    You can fight to visit him because now you have a steady home, etc.

  5. I'm not sure that you can. Your best bet is to speak to a lawyer and see what they say.

  6. Unless you can prove you where pressured into placing there is not much you can do. Heck even if you can proof it that would not guarantee that you would be able to get custody of him.  Since both you and the biological father had to have signed your rights away. You have no rights to this baby anymore not even to visitation. Since he is no longer legally your son.

    Now if his adoptive parents (bio grandparents) decide  to give up their rights and allow you to adopt him. That could be done but I seriously doubt they would do that after this has been their child for over a year.

    You might seek legal advice but again most likely you’re up a creek hon. At the most your still in his life in some capacity I assume.

  7. Don't listen to these folks.  Get an adoption attorney.  Who told you your child would be taken away if something didn't happen?  Sounds like you were acting on impaired legal advice.

    If you had an attorney, sue him and get another one to get your child back!

    What should have happened is they get temporary custody, they should have had the <beep> to help out and not be so self centered as not to have a child with their mother, that chaps my behind!

  8. Its been a year? I don't know any revoke period that gives a mother a year to revoke her consent to the adoption. Legally, I don't think there is anything you can do.

    If you are in contact with them, and they are for it, you could adopt your son back. That is only with their consent. That is as much advice that I can give you.

    I am so sorry. You say that you're getting "much appreciated family support and that they saw the error of their earlier ways, is that from the family who adopted him? Are they willing to give you your son back?

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