
My son is almost 2 and he still has not said his first word... should I be concerned??

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My son is almost 2 and he still has not said his first word... should I be concerned??




  1. You might talk to your doctor about it.  I have a friend and her son didn't talk so she took him to a specialist and found out he had Autism.  He had other signs like not pointing at stuff.  

    However my cousin didn't talk until almost 2 1/2 and he just graduated validictorian and he played in every sport and went to state in track.  So he was and is just fine.  

    I would just talk to your child's pediatrition just to put your mind at ease or if something is wrong you will be catching it early which helps.

  2. No, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Children all talk at different times/ages. Does he seem like he understands simple commands? Like, if you ask him to 'get you a ball'?

    If your really worried about it, talk to his doctor. But I would not worry at all. Albert Einstein did not speak a word until he was 5 years old!!

  3. yes, you should be very worried. Your son is probably a full 12 months behind in his speech development. At 2 years old he should be saying about 5 dozen words, and trying to combine words to make 2 word phrases.

    My son only said 10 words at 2 years old, and when I finally got him tested at 27 months old he tested at a 12-15 month level in expressive speech. He was very smart but just could not get the words out. He has been in speech therapy for about 5 months now, and started by learning some sign language to help with his immediate needs. Finally about 6 weeks ago he started to really talk, and now knows about 150-200 words plus 50+ signs.  he finally attempted to say his own name at 31 months old. I still have to watch him when he talks so I can see what he is signing too--he is THAT hard to understand sometimes.

    please feel free to contact me and I will tell you mroe of my story.

  4. Yes. He may need have speech delay and need speech therapy. This is something better caught early, as if you wait, it can result in speech difficulties that will slow his learning and encourage other children to make fun of him.

    My son had speech delay, and started speech therapy at preschool thru the local school district at 2 1/2. Talks great now.

    My brother had severe speech delay and was enrolled in speech therapy at 2. Talks great now.

    My brother's friend has a son that is now 9, had speech delay, they didn't get help for him, and he still can't talk properly.

  5. Even though every baby develops differently, by that age he should be saying, at the very least, maybe five words you can understand and even beginning to put two words together. He may have hearing trouble. Have you tried baby sign language? Please talk to your pediatrician and have him evaluated.

  6. All kids are different. You should talk to your doctor just so you don't worry.Good Luck

  7. Ask your pediatrician.  It could be a lot of things.  You may be doing the talking for your toddler.  He may have a hearing problem.  Sometimes it is caused by ear issues and sometimes other things.  He may be autistic.  Bring it up at the next check up.

  8. not really because u really have to be patient  do he know how 2 walk yet

  9. sometimes their mind is ring to take in a lot. You could see a doctor, but I know someone who didn't talk until they were 2, then all of the sudden the first words he said he read from the newspaper. He was soo smart, his mind just couldn' do it all at once!

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