He will be 3 in november, and has his full set of teeth, molars included... he is in a program called *child find* here in denver, to help him with developmental delays. He has caught up totally on his motor and fine motor skills, but still is lacking improvement in verbal and non verbal communication. He isn't talking yet, although he does say a few works (e.g momma, dadda, banana, birdie, doggie, georgia(auntie) ) But nothing extensive, and no 2 word sentences.
(on a side note he does start preschool @ the end of august, he qualified for the fact that hes not talking, and needs a push me up on his communication skills)
Any tips or pointers?
I believe he is drooling more now then he did when he was actually teething. I sometimes wonder if his drooling is linked to his speech delays, but his drs say that's not the case cus he can blow things, he tries to whistle, has wonderful movements while opening and closing his mouth, and hes been drinking from a straw for ages now