
My son is almost 4 and does not like other children at all he doesnt want to be around them?

by  |  earlier

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he doesn't like it when anyone not even adults get to close to him (except for me and my husband) he gets really really angry very easily, when he hurts other children(like hits or throws something at them) and they r hurt he doesn't even seem to care. he is a very sweet boy he really is but he just doesn't like people, and people who aren't around him all the time and i mean all the time can't understand him when he is talking, he doesnt talk in any sentences, can anyone give me and advice or let me know if i am worrying over nothing.




  1. Sounds like a form of Autism, I would get him evaluated so you know for sure.  Yes they can be like that in regards to not wanting people around him unless they are "constants" in their life and they can be violent too like that.  They also have the speech problems and everything too.  The best thing would be have the evaluation done now so he can get the help he needs now not wait until he is older and labeled as a bad kid or something.  

  2. please have your son assessed by a specialist in austism spectrum disorders


  4. there are children who can not handle change or alot of people around them- its sort of a over sensitive reaction. There are other options out there but I would have his hearing checked first. If he had lots of ear infections, he may have blocked ear drums thus limiting his hearing and making him more frustrated that others can not understand him. Also if his hearing has been affected, he may not know when others approach him. I would have him assessed by your doctor first- some people my suggest autisim but I would not jump to that conclusion until you talk to your doctor

  5. Every child is different. Some times we find that weird. But the reasons for that may be very minor and  can be corrected . Don't worry at alll. Consult a doctor , he may be able to direct you. Some times they will change as they grow older. But any way it is better to consult people who have the know how

  6. I would get him checked out.  I am not saying this to worry you or anything. I just have 2 4 1/2 year olds. And they don't mind others, and get along with others.  Though there are kids that my children get along better with than others.  They also speak in complete sentences, and are very easily understood.  

    Maybe I would contact your pediatrician, and see what they recommend.

  7. I think you always should be a little cautions when it comes to your child. He must be an only child, my niece is an only child and she use to act the same way but my sister kept her around other children like taking her to the park or to church and letting her interact with other children. Remember those actions are very normal for any child around his age. Just give him a year he will come around.

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