
My son is almost two and he only says about 20 words..?

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Should I be concerned yet? He is very smart in other areas...

For example: He is very coordinated when he eats and plays with toys. He can follow directions well, and knows how to throw and kick a ball VERY well. He can peddle on a trike and so forth.

What I'm trying to say is that he seems to be smart, but he can't speak very well, and he is clearly behind on his speech.

What should I do at this point??




  1. my son did not even talk 20 words and two and when he started going to school at 2.3 he suddenly started talking. interacting with other children really helps.

  2. No worries. I felt the same way. This link put my mind at ease.

  3. Don't worry he seems fine to me! My 2yr 9 month old son says about 10 words. If you want to be relieved call an early intervention center in your area to get him diagnosed. He might just need speech therapy and he'll be fine within a few months! Just read to him and maybe try sign language! That is working for my son. We have been teaching him one word in SL "more" within a week he learned it in sign language and the word! So no worries! Wish this will cheer you up!

  4. Don't worry much just yet.  Boys are often slower in speaking.  My son was very much the same way.  He was closer to 3 before he truly started putting sentences together.  Just make sure you are talking to your son, and reading to him.

  5. 20 words is perfectly ok for an almost 2 year old.  Most kids don't even say all the words they really know they just stay quiet and keep learning new words then all of sudden they start saying words you didn't even know they knew

  6. Contact early intervention in your area.  (Your pediatrician should have a phone number or try the phone book)  They will come to your home and do a complete evaluation.  If they determine he needs services it will be done at no charge to you.  If it is determined he does not need services, its still worth the time.  You will be provided with reassurance and they provide lots of information.

  7. Einstein didn't talk until he was four, so I'm told...

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