
My son is always grabbing his p***s and i dont know how to tell for what reason?

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my son is 3 he has been potty trained about half a year. he used to hold himself down there when he needs to pee but recently he has been just keeping his hand there all day all the time no matter what like he is afraid its going to fall off. i dont know how to tell when its when he needs to pee or when its just because he wants to. i dont want a uti or anything like that. i would like for him to stop it but i dont know how. please help. single mother of 7 year old daughter and 3 year old son.




  1. This my friend is evolution. As your son will evolve it will become more and more, well intense. By age 12 he will grow emotional with his "friend."

  2. He probably keeps it down there because he thinks it feels good! Almost all little kids do it when they discover their "area". They don't know what it's for, they just do it because they get "feelgood" from it.

  3. my grandson that is 3 holds himself a lot, it is normal, we are sexual beings remember? i tell my grandson it is not nice holding himself around people or in public, he has to go to the bathroom if he wants to hold his p***s, it works and he stopped grabbing himself. my nephew use to grab himself when he was nervous about anything, we had him twiddle his thumbs together, it worked!

  4. oh its normal hes checking it out and it feels good. if you make him feel ashamed then he could wind up with sexual problems later in life.  try distracting him, and in public dont be afraid to let him know its not appropriate.. but around the home i would leave him alone, distract he should grow out of it.

  5. My daughter just started touching herself when I change her now and shes only one..I think its normal.. They dont really know thats a "private" part yet

  6. It's funny you asked.  I just asked my three-year-old yesterday why he was holding/grabbing himself if he didn't have to go potty, and he said, "Because I like it.  I want to, and it's mine."  Later on, in the bathtub, he did it again, and looked at me, "Mommom, I still like it, so I'm doing it again."  (grinning)

    That's the last time I'm going to ask.

  7. I have a 3yo daughter and she is forever touching and looking, its like a new toy sometimes...i know my mum told me not to worry about it too much and that when i and my brother we both did it and she said boys were worse.....So i dont know about getting them to stop it, but with my daughter i just told her that you dont play with your penny (thats what she calls it) out when we are around ppl. And sometimes apart from if she has an itch and no matter what has to scratch it she has left it alone....:)

  8. Its really normal at that age, especially with boys.  Boys are less likely to get a UTI, but just to be safe keep his hands clean.  Just tell him its not acceptable to do that in public.  My son is 17 months and not even potty training, but he still discovered himself a few months ago.  Everytime I change his diaper he want take his hands away and he actually pulls the thing so far, I think its going to fall off lol.

    I just tell him no because he is too young to understand.  But at your sons age he needs to know public is not the place for that.  If he really wants to do that he needs to go in private.  I know it sounds wierd letting him do it, but trust me it wont stop.  Boys like men do feel good down there plus it is amazing to him that he has a little thing that hangs there and it is so cool to him.  He will grow out of it, but trust me not for awhile but he does need to know there is a time and a place.

  9. hes not going to stop, they dont stop when they are 33 hahah

    my son is almost five and he does the same thing...just ask him, do u have to pee? are u itchy? does it hurt? if all that is clear just ignore my son answers me, no i just want to squish it and i have to say um okay hahahah

  10. My son is 6 and I constant have to remind him that it's not appropriate.  I don't make a big deal about it but I do tell him to go to his room or stop.  When he was younger I would give him a toy or something to distract him.  But it's also a guy thing and although they are small our baby boys are still boys :)

  11. it is normal for toddlers to play with their private parts they are very curious about their sexuality , it's part of their growing process.

  12. my 2 and a half year old boy does this all the time too, he also plays with his f******n all the time he gets a kick out of seeing what is under neath and the feeling he gets ( he gives himself boners ) he just laughs like a crazy man. it is hard not to laugh with him and tell him  to stop playing around.

  13. my son does it too and he is 2 years old. i just thought it might be itchy.

  14. Quite a lot of yongster do this, nothing to worry about but let him know not to do it in public.


  15. my son is 3 also and he is always touching it as well.  I just ignore it...I usually know when he is holding it because he has to pee and when he is holding it because he wants to...don't even pay attention to it, it's normal

  16. I know A.D.D. and a sensory 'scheduling?' problem will cause that behavior.

  17. toddlers will do that. don't worry he will grow out

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