
My son is being bullied at school?

by Guest55571  |  earlier

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My 13 year old son and one of his friends is being bullied tremendously by almost all his classmates in school, mainly 3 guys and a girl. But some of them tease him too every once in a while. Tom only has 4 friends in his class, they are the only ones that don't make fun of him. Tom is being teased because of the clothes and shoes he wears, and how his hair is styled. So mainly, these kids bully him because he looks different from everyone else. His other friend Rainbow is being bullied mainly because of his name. Out of 3 guys and 1 girl that bully him everyday, the girl bullys him the worst out of everybody in the class. She hits him, takes his lunch, talks **** to him saying why he is not goth like her, and sometimes, she makes him cry. And when he starts crying in class, everyone laughs at him and calls him a wimp. Last year, Tom has fought one of the guy bullies and got suspended for a week, but the other guy didn't. Those kids have been bullying him since he started a new school last year. Last year, I went to the school and told his teacher about the bullying, she said she will talk to them and make them stop, but she hasn't been doing much, those bullies are getting worse and worse, plus Tom found out recently why the girl has been bullying him was because she has a crush on him, so she likes to express it by hitting him. Tom comes home crying everyday and I'm sick of seeing him come home red and teary faced everyday, what should I do?




  1. dont tell the teacher tell the PRINCIPLE this will help..

    the same thing was happening to me but my mom told the principal and it hasnt happened ever again...

    if anyone of these kids hti your son FIRST

    and you let the school know and it happens again you can take t up with the LAW....

  2. Hey I hear ya. I was bullied at school all the time. My parents and I went to the teachers and principal and nothing happend.

    I kept getting bullied. I was being called high waters, because my pants were getting short on me and we couldn't afford anything else.

    They kept hitting me and kicking me and alot of other bad things. I was put head down into the toilet and they flushed it. They poured water all over my pants and started making fun of me saying I wet my pants.

    I used to come home crying, all the time. Then one day I decided that I wasn't gonna be weak about it anymore.

    A boy pulled a knife on me, so I ran home and got a Knife to bring back to school.

    But luckily the cops stepped in and kept me from going to school with that knife.

    Things could have turned out much worse. I went to counseling and that helped alot.

    Try getting him into a counsler, before things take a tragic turn.

  3. The reason they're being bullied is because those kids are not comfortable with their lives, and try to make Tom and Rainbow feel low esteem, they're just haters. I think u should talk to those kids parents and let them know what's happening, and would like to solve this problem, and have a meeting with those kids and Tom and Rainbow at their school. If u already asked the teacher, and it didn't work out, then u should move on to the guidance counselor, or Principal of the school. To make this problem stop before it gets to serious consequences and before is too late.Advice Rainbow and Tom to be strong and confident, and to not let it get to them cause the bullies want to see them cry and weak, they should get over it and ignore them, until the bullies get tired of bullying them from their ignorance towards them.Trust me it works, Just act cool and don't care cause Tom and Rainbow are better in their unique selves.And who cares about them, Tom and rainbow should just hang with their true friends.And rainbow could get a nickname if his name bothers him.hope this helps. Good luck!  

  4. If they're making fun of him because of his clothes maybe you should try buying him different clothes?  Send him to a different school if you have to.  There's really not much you can do for him, except tell him to stand up for himself.  

  5. I would talk to the principle and not stop until something happens, what i would do is demand a conference with those main kids parents at school and have them embarrassed, i am sure that the parents have no clue, if they do, well there will be something the principle will do for you.  The teacher needed to do something and make sure you tell the principle that you talked to the teacher and nothing has changed. This is just wrong. Goth is no way cute. I am sure your son is perfect. He shouldn't be scared to cry if he is hurt. Come on, when kids are as mean as they are I would cry too. This needs to stop ASAP. You can also change his class and see if he can have a different lunch time then those kids, there is lunch one, lunch two and sometimes three at some schools. I wouldn't let this keep happening. Your son can really be hurt by this for a long time. He is becoming a man right now and doesn't need anyone making fun of him.  

  6. he needs to fight back. I know your not suppose to hit girls but he can twist her arm and pin her up against a wall or something. i mean he's not always going to have a parent or teacher to fight his battles for him. he needs to learn to defend himself. getting suspended is better than not knowing how to stand on your own 2 feet and not constantly back down to people. if he doesnt learn to fight now people will be walking all over him for his whole life and he'll think that it's ok. send him to a martial arts class where he can learn some defensive moves where he doesnt have to actually hit or hurt anyone, just protect himself. this will give him more confidence against what they say about him. kids mock other kids that are different, there's no changing that. so if he's different he better develop a tough skin

  7. im a kid thats never been byullyed but iv seen people being bullyed he should tell the principle thats all i can think of well... u can tell 2..cause the teacher prob wont do anything

  8. If the teacher and the school is doing nothing, that's just not good enough, gather evidence if you can and take it to the education department. Maybe you could talk to the school about tom being moved to a different class.  

  9. Omfg! If I was there I would sooo stand up for him. I'm 13, and in a advanced school with a great peaceful enviroment, I'm alittle populer too so I would've stood up for him and everybody wouldn't make fun of him.

    People like that who judge from looks p**s me off, I'm serious that's like the most biggest turnoff from people to me EVER.

    Okay So give this to your son, This would probually work (from how ****** up soiciety is -.-)

    1). Get your loving caring MOM, to give you 400 bucks for new school clothes. Read many many things on the internet on how to dress hot, probually get a populer friend to help you too. Like major help, go to him/her and like tell them how much you've been bullied and how tired you are, if they have a heart they'll understand and help you. So then you have like a makeover! :]

    2). After you get a makeover, go to the people and stand up for yourself. Tell them how imature they are in judging me on how bad I dress, and how much their guna regret it when their evil and old. Maybe go all peace like, like wear peace sign shirts..

    3). If that doesn't work, and chances might it wont, go to them and tell them this "Okay, you guys have been bullying for ever, and I can't take it anymore. I'm going to ask you straight and out to just make peace with me.. I mean me and you wont get anywhere if your just going to bully me.. Just go with peace. This is wrong. You know if you still keep bullying me I'm guna stop going to this school, and then everybody will know who and why I transfered. Do you really want that?"

    Also your almost in highschool so its guna be awesome cuz your guna make alot of new friends, and alot of things are going to change. That's when you can do a big change.. start clean. Remove all the past.

    BTW. RAINBOW ommmmmfffffggg!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT NAME. You know I want that name!! that's like AWESOME. I don't get how their making fun of it.. guess where you live its weird.. RAINBBOWW is the shitts!

  10. ok hes 13 I'm 12 and I'm a big girl if someones messing whit me then fight the **** back don't be a baby and go home and cry to ur ******* mom

  11. I know this goes against the "good mother" approach but tell you kid to kick those kids asses. He's a male right, so he'll do it on his own eventually. Nothing wrong with pushin him in the right direction

  12. My son was being bullied, too. Enroll your son in a martial arts class. They teach self confidence, life skills and self defense.

    Bullies are afraid of people who know how to take care of themselves.

    They only prey on the perceived weak and those who are easily victims.

    So help your son learn to look, act and be strong!

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