
My son is close to nineteen yrs. old and does not listen to parents.?

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My son is close to nineteen yrs. old. Since he became 18, he started not listening to the parents. He is very polite with outside family members but is rude with the parents and with his sister.

He has few friends and hangs out with them all the time. He will start going to college this fall. I ask him to take summer classes that might help his college career, but he doesn't listen. I asked him to do a decent job in summer and he does not try.

He still hangs out with his friends without much responsibility for going to college. Whenever I bring the topic of college and summer job, he gets angry and walks away from discussion. Any suggestions on how to handle the situation?.




  1. well he is over 18 so unfortunately he can not be controlled any longer. but you can charge rent for the utilities there and the groceries. if he hasnt got anything nice to say then he cant say anything just write it on a note in correctly spelled and perfect grammer.

    boys are slower in this area than girls and I can guarrantee you that at 30, he wont have changed that much. (husband is 35 and still has a better stereo system than his car)

  2. Go to college or get a job and move out.

  3. hes an adult.... nothing pisses people off more than treating them like children. cut the leash.

  4. If he won't get a job for the summer, kick him out.  When he shows responsibility and respect, then consider sending him to college.

  5. cut the unbilical cord and make him move out

  6. hes 19,  you simply tell him to follow your rules or move out, as far as the life choices, you can give suggestions but you cant really enforce them on someone his age if he doesnt want to take your advice.  maybe hes just taking some time off before college  in the fall.....he might be fine once school starts for him, who knows.

  7. Tell him to follow your advice or move out and pay his own way.

  8. Obviously he considers himself to be an adult, which he is as far as age is concerned.  BUT you need to make it clear that as long as he still lives under your roof, you are in charge.  If he wants to be treated as an adult, he needs to start acting like one and taking on responsibilities such as helping out with the bills.  If he doesn't like that idea, tell him he can move out and pay all of his own bills.  Giving him a free ride is only going to hurt him in the end.

  9. Be the parent. He is an adult. Charge him rent, give him no spending money, tell him he needs to help out around the house, buy his own food, etc. Then he will have to get a job.

    Kick him out if you have to. A good kick in the *** often helps kids gets their act together.

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