
My son is crawling, is it true that giving babies showers twice a day is bad for their skin.?

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He is crawling and seems to be getting so dirty he needs a shower in the morning and night/ Is that ok. he is 9 months old.




  1. Only give a bath at night.If he gets dirty wipe his hands/feed with a gently non fragrant baby wipe.

  2. It's fine.  Just keep an eye on his skin.  If it starts to look dry you may want to back off the bathing a bit.  And defiantly use a good moisturizer.  

  3. I would give him a sponge bath, just wipe him up in the morning and then bathe him at night

  4. I am more than sure that bathing your son twice a day will be fine.

    My 5 month old son just started crawling and rolling all over the place.

    He is constantly getting dirty!

    I bath him twice a day.. sometimes 3 times a day and he is perfectly fine.

    Just as long as you lotion him down every time you give him a bath...

    you will have no problems.

    I hope that I have answered your question...

    Good luck and take care...

  5. My son crawls too.... but I never notice that he gets very dirty.... unless Iet him play in the grass a little bit.  I would just wipe him down.... or maybe you should try mopping a little more.  I have started mopping twice a week and getting a rug doctor once a month.  It really helps.  

  6. I have never heard of giving a baby a shower but okay. If you are worried about dry skin then after every bath put baby lotion on him

  7. It should be okay as long as you don't notice his skin drying out.

  8. It can be as the water dries there skin but if you keep him moisturized it should be fine maybe moisturize him 2-3 times a day,but personally i would stick with the one bath at night time

    Kids are always going to get dirty there is no use washing them every time they get a bit dirty otherwise you will be washing them all day let him have fun and get dirty its what a being a kid is all about

  9. It all depend on the country you lived, if your country is a tropical country then i don't find anything wrong bathing twice a day. My son is almost 16mths old and he had been bathing twice a day till now due to our country weather. If you worry it dry out your baby's skin then apply baby lotion for your baby.

  10. you should stick to 1 bath a day.huggies makes washcloths that you can wipe him down when he seems to be getting too dirty,then give him a bath at night before bed..You can also put baby oil on him after his bath.that will help with the drying out of his skin.

    hope this helps.

  11. Mainly kids with eczema need to avoid multiple and warm baths etc. If you child has no particular allergy/skin condition just ease up on the soap to not dry the skin.

    But a good rub down with a cloth should suffice early in the day messes in my book. I like night baths helps set a routine/calm babies. I definetly would have to keep that one.

  12. I would only wash him at night. Babies that age are sensitive to soap and with 2 showers a day it will strip his skin of the natural oils that keep it healthy.

  13. It's okay but it can dry a baby's skin out. Instead, try wiping him down with baby wipes and stick to a bath once a day.  

  14. Showers for a baby?  Hummmmm.  Well I think sponge bath 1 time is better and a bath at bed is a good thing to get them settle for bed. The bath is nice they can play and have bubbles.

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