My son, who will be 3 next month, is driving me absolutely insane! He doesn't listen to anything I say, but he'll listen to what his daddy says and that REALLY irks me. I feel that if he listens to him, he's capable of listening to me. It's almost like he just ignores me. I've tried giving him timeouts, but he just gets off the chair and swats at me. This morning is a great example of his behavior.... he kept hitting at the window, I told him to stop, yet he kept doing it. I put him in timeout and he kept trying to get down. I eventually had enough and firmly told him to STOP(!), he proceeded to kick me in the throat. That's when I just had enough and let him get off the couch and as soon as he got down, he smacked at me. He yells at me and throws fits of anger when he doesn't get his way.... But he only acts this way towards me.
What shall I do?