
My son is extremely fair skinned and everytime he goes swimming he gets a rash?

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He is red headed and very pale. We normally get him the usual swimsuit for a boy and cut the undie part out b/c we thought it could be that chafing him. But even when we cut out the undie he still gets a rash around his s*****m and his upper inside thighs. I am at my wits end as what to do. I give him bath after he swims and put baby powder down there. We have tried the gold bond medicated stuff but it set him on fire and he cried for 30 min. Does your child get a rash and if they do what do you put on it or how do you prevent it?

He is 7 yrs. old and he is swimming in a pool treated with salt not chlorine.




  1. my parents just put in a salt filtered pool and my lab loves to jump in and it has done a real bad number on her skin as well...i've had to keep her out. my two year old son is okay with it but he doesn't have very sensitive skin. sometimes he ends up with a little diaper rash but it usually doesn't give him too much discomfort. it goes away overnight. i would imagine that your sons skin is really sensitive to the salt system.

    try using original desitin on it instead of just powder. it may hold on better. i know he's a little old for it...but i think it would feel more soothing. if that doesn't help either i would call his pediatricians office and just ask what they would recommend.

    good luck and i hope you find something that works

  2. Wow your doing that to your 7 year old? That happens to almost every guy...

  3. its not a rash its a sun BURN

  4. try putting vassoline down there before he gets the rash & see if that helps....before he goes swimming. That happened to my son all the time & I even cut the panty part out of the shorts too. (Actually it still does happen). He's NOT fair skinned either so the fair skin isn't whats causing it. After the rash starts, he uses Gold Bond medicated down there too. I believe baby powder made his worse.

    However, vassoline did help him to a certain extent...if he remembered to use it before swimming. Any cheap kind will doesn't have to be expensive.

  5. take off all his clothes and have him lie  naked  on the bed and put rash cream  on it

  6. It's most likely the salt that is bothering his skin.

    Sorry, this will be long's a biological explanation why this happened. When your son swims in salt water, the salty solution gets on his skin. Before he has a chance to dry off (and even when he is still in the pool), some of the water evaporates, leaving the salt behind on his skin. The salt creates a hypotonic solution, meaning there is too much solute (salt) and not enough solvent (water). The body naturally tries to correct the imbalance from the hypotonic solution by osmosis. The salt is on his skin, and it is covering millions of skin cells. The cell corrects the difference by allowing some of the water from inside the cytoplasm to pass through the phospholipid bilayer cell membrane out of the cell and goes onto his skin and then evaporates. Because the cell doesn't have as much water inside of it anymore, it begins to shrink. When all of the skin cells shrink like that, it's dry skin. Because his skin is dry, it becomes red, itchy, and irritating. THAT'S dry skin and the rash it causes.

    Keep the baby powder on there. Right after he gets out of the pool, have him take a shower to rinse off all the salt. Talk to his doctor and see if they can prescribe a cream that can help. Also, think about converting your pool from salt to chlorine.

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