
My son is getting married on July 19, 2008 in Trenton, NJ. What does the weather look like for that day?

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My son is getting married on July 19, 2008 in Trenton, NJ. What does the weather look like for that day?




  1. I think it is going to flood...betta change da date homie...

  2. lol, i hope this is a joke.  they cant predict what the weather will do today accurately.  what makes you think they can almost 2 months away

  3. I have been forecasting weather for nearly 40 years and that does include the New Jersey area. I have talked to many people planning weddings over the years and know they like to have some idea on what to expect for their "BIG" day.  

    While the other answers are correct that forecasters can't start putting specific values and chances for rain on a particular day until it is less than about 7 days in advance, there are some things that are quite likely and predictable and I will discuss those so you have some idea at this point what would be most likely happen that day.

    The 30 year average temperatures for Trenton show average low of 67 and an average high temperature of around 87. During the later part of July there is about a one in four chance of rain during a particular 24 hour period.

    You didn't say what time the wedding is but since it is a Saturday, I suspect it will be either a late morning or afternoon wedding. If you want the sunny and mild temperatures, a late morning or early afternoon time is best to escape the muggy heat of the later afternoon hours and lessen the chances of rain for the ceremony. The extreme temperatures  for that date are 99 degrees for a high and 55 for a low. It is very unlikely that the high and low will exceed these values.

    Unless there is a unusual weather system that is affecting the area, (Such as a hurricane coming up the East Coast. Which is also very unlikely.)  The day should go sort of like  this.

    The morning will be very warm and mild. It will most likely be clear or just a few high thin clouds that will give mostly sunny skies and quick warming. By 11 am the temperature will be around the 80 degree mark. The afternoon high nearing the 90 mark and will be reached between 4 and 5 pm with increasing cloudiness. The best chances for a shower or thunderstorm will between 3 pm  and 8 pm.  Most showers or thunderstorms will last less than an hour at any given location.

    I hope this gives you some idea to work with. Good luck.

  4. There is no way that you can predict a weather forecast out to July 19, 2008.  Most online weather forecasts ususally go out 6 to 10 days from the current date.  Check the link below around July 10th.

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