
My son is getting ready to be kicked out of Day Care, due to his hitting! He is 18 months old.?

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I feel like we have tried everything from time out to a smack on the hand. I have no idea what to do. The little boy that he hit the other day is 8 months old. They were on there way to McDonalds and my son was pinching and scratching the little boy while the babysitter was driving.




  1. is he in a home day care of a daycare center? he may need to have more attention in a daycare center they have more than one teacher in the class rooms and the kids are all around the same age. someone as young as 8 months wouldn't be in the same room as someone who is 18 months he needs to be around kids his age.

  2. If you are around when he hits, you can say something like "How sad you decided to hit Abby" and then gently take him to his room for a timeout (a couple minutes).  It's important not to yell at him because he will then focus on your anger instead of his poor choice.

    Ideally there needs to be a consequence whenever he hits (although you can't control what happens at the daycare).  You may have to delay the consequence if it happens in the car (or pull over for a timeout ... he stays in his car seat while you take the other child out and comfort her).  

  3. You're smacking him on the hand has taught him that it is okay to hit...and yet in day care he's not allowed to hit.  Don't blame your son for the things you have taught him to do.  

  4. I wouldn't try to cure his hitting by smacking him - that doesn't make sense!

    Be calm, but firm and tell him "We don't hit other people" and remove him from the situation.

    At 18 months old he is not capable of knowing that what he is doing is wrong but with patience he can be taught to do what is right.

    Good Luck!

  5. Make sure he knows what he's doing. Ask him why he's hitting. He might answer, or he might not. He should be put in a care with kids his age. That way he won't feel too alone. Does he have friends at the daycare? Try convincing him to make some or make more that he plays with and doesn't hit. When he does hit, remind him of his mistake and take away a toy or a comfort object. Then he'll know what it feels like to be hurt, mentally or physically. Never physically correct him. A time out can be effective, much more than a slap on the hand. If it gets worse, take him to a specialist that can more effectively ask him why he does this. If it still happens, send him to a different, more personalized daycare. One that can pay more attention to him, maybe play with him if he's alone, and help him make friends that he won't hurt.

  6. Perhaps the daycare is to blame. Maybe he's acting out because he can't verbalize that he's unhappy. Perhaps you can try a place with more than one adult in charge, like kindercare. Good luck. That must be tough.

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