
My son is going to Kindergarden in the fall....?

by Guest64783  |  earlier

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My son is going to Kindergarden in the fall I would like to have him some what prepared. Does anyone have any workbooks they can suggest for him to work on this summer to prepare?




  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her preparing her child for school. They will need to learn the importance of an education and responsbility behind doing work. Moreover, I remember how eager I was to start kindergarten, and how much I desired to learn. They may even feel like it's a treat to be bestowed with important knowledge even before they begin school!

    As to the questioner: I'm sorry, I can't give you a specific name of a workbook, but my mother would always buy me a workbook inbetween each summer during elementary school, which she would have me do a few pages within the span of each week. I suggest just checking at Barne's and Noble for a workbook introducing letters, colors and especially reading, I'm sure they'll have plenty for you to choose from. You'll know what content will appeal most to your child.

  2. are you serious??

    back in my day...

    which was only 10 years ago. i didn't need workbooks!

    its kindergarden!

    your kid probly doesnt even know how to write!!

    i swear i hate how they keep pushing their limits on kids.

    10 years ago i learned the alphabet and simple words like






    now they expect you to know your alphabet before you even start kindergarden and already know how to do addition by the end of it!

    did you know finland has the best test results in the world?

    and you know why??

    they didn't start school till they were 7

    they went to school for only 5 hours a day

    and didn't get as much hw.

    if you push your limits

    your head will explode


  3. Teach him to be independent. Tie his own shoes, button his pants, zip his own jacket, use scissors properly, and use dot of glue rather than puddles. The more your child can do for himself the better!

  4. We like most anything out of the Leap Frog line of products.

  5. reading reading reading - this is the key to kids who do well at school, they are invariably the ones whose parents read with them, to them and independently.  

    Don't rely on formal "work" but show your child how valuable the lessons you learned at school are for you:-

    if I couldn't read, I'd not be able to read this fun story

    if I'd not learned how to write, how could I do my shopping list?

    if I wasn't able to count, who knows how many plates to get out for tea?

    Lead by example, and let her/him see you doing something other than watching TV or sitting in front of the computer - slob out with a trashy novel (the kids don't know it's full of c**p), do a crossword, puzzle out a sudoku, try to find the answer to something that's been bugging you, paint a picture, bake a cake - all these will help your kid learn the value that can be gained from life if we only reach out and grab it...

  6. Some schools have qualifications that have to be met by the child before they can enter K. Ask the school what these are.

    My child had to be able to write her first name, write numbers 1-10, write abc's and know about 10 colors.

  7. Have your son learn his numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes and some easy words if he's not able to read yet.  School has become much more competitive than it used to be and many children already have a few years of pre-school under their belt so it's never a bad thing to be prepared.  This will also make your son learn about "learning."  Find a time at the end of the afternoon -- just like school -- for him to do some "homework."  You can find some suitable material at Costco or at a local bookstore.

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