
My son is gong to be 4yrs old this june.he had started going to school and now in Kindergarten1 where his?

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teacher had already started teaching how to write the alphabets/number in two line son writes but now very beat.he food in his orals.when ever i ask him to sit for doing his homework he says i dont want to study!But i some how pampers him and tries to make him do,but he does not sit for not more than 5 or 10mts,some if i pamper him like anything he sits.he is not interested in doing home works also when i say abt studying he say i want to play,i dont want to can i make my son interested in his studies and especially in his writing skills?I dont want to beat him or force him,is there ahyway i can make him intrested in his studies and daily routine home should i teach him.i dont want to mak ehim feel tht we are forcing.He is good at school he brings bades as very so happy for him.but i would like to improve little in his habit of not doing his should i improove his writing skills.Please advise.




  1. Find another school. He is being asked to do things which are not appropriate for children his age. Preschool children learn from direct experience through play and exposure to lots of different experiences. Children that age, especially boys, are not wired for book work and certainly not for writing in notebooks.

  2. Start by learning his language.

  3. Make the learning as much fun as you can.

    Use crayons or paint to make words. Then make pictures and write a little sentence under it.

    Use a spray bottle to make words on the pavement outside. My daughter loved to do that.

    Buy a big box of sidewalk chalk and practise words on the sidewalk or buy a blackboard and use that.

    Go to the park and practise letters in the sand.

    Use washable bath crayons to practise in the bath. He could write on himself!

    I also had my daughter just write on my back with her "magic finger" and I would tell her what the word was, then we traded places, and I wrote for her.

    You have to make it fun and varied. You can with a bit of creative thinking.

  4. make it fun for him i had the same problem when i was a child talk about it and get him to spell fun things like take him to the park and get him to write down everything he sees then later get him to draw what he sees that way he is writing in fun and tell him if he doesnt do homework he doesnt get to play or do other fun things and confiscate toys when he refuses to work then he will eventually realise and work when he works give him a toy back ok hope i helped

  5. How much homework does he get?   If he is not even 4  yet, why is he being pushed so much.  He needs to be outside playing with friends.  Social development is more important at this age.

    Maybe you should look for a preschool where he can develop socially and have fun learning.  His intellectual maturity may be higher than his emotional maturity.  Let him be a child.  That is something he will never be able to do again.

    Three (almost four) is way too young for this kind of pressure.


    if your child is good at studies and he gets good grades then no need to worry alot as his mind is sharper than others what he can do in 15 minutes is done by others in a hour or so....

    but regarding his future this thing is very bad as in future when work will increase he has to extract time .. so please first of all make a time table acc to him and see that he studies in very good way playfully like through charts , drawings , glitter pens and then use support of greed say sunday he will get a gift and money for eatings only if he do things acc to u but be very strict abt this the way you should be troublefree and take no tensions for now

  7. well i am going threw the same and what helped me is i reward my son when he does it and i make it fun i bought stickers and things like that kinda like how teachers do it, and i make happy faces and stuff but when my son's wants to stop i let him but we get back to it later in the day.

  8. From you question I assume your som is going to a private international school. I have taught in one of these we had to give Home work to 3 year olds, the first thing is to make it fun, if he can sit for 5 minutres at 4 this is good, try making it a game.  

    first get him to do one line then have a find the pencil activity ie you hide the pencil/crayon then he has to find it praise him for doing this then do the next line

    have a sticker chart with each homework day on it each time he completes his home work he gets to choose a sticker ( make sure you get the cool stickers he likes ie  spiderman, in japan an pan man. )

    At his age teachers are or should be focused on letter reconginition and play as well as social development,

    also please don't make him do his homework as soon as he getts in the door, he needs down time first let him play watch t.v have a biscuit and milk then try.  

    if you encorage a little he will soon do it because it wants to if you force him it will always be a struggle to get him to do it.

  9. First off, I don't mean to be judgemental but it would help if his father had a strong hold on the English language, from what I can see you don't seem to be very intellectual in the form of vocabulary or proper structure of sentences. If English is not your primary language then I apologize.

    All I can suggest is that you make learning fun, throw a twist in it, just like you wanted to play a video game and the game hooked you, there is a reason you keep playing it, well give your child a reason to keep studying...

    If English is your primary language and are spelling like this then maybe you should consider brushing up on your studies and give your sibling a reason to know learning is important.

    I mean no disrespect, but giving you my honest oppinion...

    PS. Don't listen to people who may post that are being rude towards your spelling, everyone needs haters, that's what make some become better than them.

    Don't be ignorant, be intelligent...

  10. Just caring is a great foundation.  Why not try an incentive/reward.  Any day he comes home and does his homework on his own he will earn 1 star.  When he has earned 5 stars treat him to a movie or ice cream.  It will be a routine for him before you know it.  Make sure the reward is reasona le.  Remember learning is the BEST reward.

  11. He is only  4 years old!  He should be learning through play.  That means playing with his friends, family, children learn a lot through play.  Also, he shouldn't be having homework at the age of 4, it will completely kill his love of study.

    Anyway, what you need to do now is to start him on art.  Let him draw or paint pictures, anything he likes.  When it's finished, praise him and say naturally, write you name so that everyone knows that you drew that picture.  Next picture, he writes name and age.  Next picture he writes a little about the picture, make it fun and tell his teacher it's way tooooooooo young to be taking homework home!

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