
My son is harassing women do other kids do this and how can i stop him?

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my son is 2 n 1/2 n hes acting like well to put it bluntly a little perv. I dont tell him that of course but every time he sits in my lap or his aunts he grabs our breast and starts squeezing them he also likes 2 blow razberrys on our tummys(I have no problem with that)but recently when he does it he lifts our shirts up a little more trying 2 "sneak a peek" he has never seen any1 else do this sometimes he follows me into the bathroom 2 watch me change my shirt n when I turn around he is just staring at me like hes amazed the other day I was in the shower n he came into the bathroom n was peeking around the curtain I didnt notice him at first until he started pulling my hair (not on my head) and said wow whats that I no hes just curious but isnt he a little young 2 b n is it supposed 2 b this bad im afraid 1day he is gunna do it 2 the wrong person I try not 2 make a big deal cus when daddy does it just makes himm wanna do it more how can I break him from this




  1. Sounds like he is doing what the typical little boys (girls do it too!) do.

    Try to just ignore the behavior, by that I mean when he touches you just push his hands away and redirect, don't give it any verbal attention.

    Have Daddy talk with him and see how it goes.

    It's just a stage, I wouldn't be too worried, unless at 17 he is still doing it (too you!)

  2. well daddy shouldn't be groping your b***s in front of him anyways. maybe thats the problem right there. daddys the perv and picks it up from him. then again i dont know him.

  3. it's nerve racking but such a normal stage he is going through, my son is 4 and every now and again he will say 'what are those' and point at my b***s he knows what they are but he just wants to talk about it. Just tell him what it is, you can use different words to what 'it' actually is if you want to but do it casually like you say it everyday. He is normal and curious. If he is doing it to other women and you don't want him to just say 'no, so and so doesn't like that.' and ask him to get down. Try not to worry, he can probably sense your hesitation and thats whats making him even more curious.

  4. I agree with the others... don't make a big deal out of it. He's only doing it for the attention he gets from you and others. At this age, ANY attention is GOOD attention.

    Next time, simply take his hands and move them away from your body without saying a word. Don't even make eye contact with him. And then just move him to the floor and leave the area to go do something else. He will soon realize that no one is impressed with his actions and get bored trying.

  5. My son doesn't do this, but he sometimes does OTHER inappropriate things. When he does, I say, "NO! You don't touch anyone else's (insert body part here), unless you have their permission." I don't want to tell my son, "NO! You don't touch other people's b***s." I'm worried he might grow up thinking s*x acts are a no-no and bad.

    Good luck and best wishes.

  6. It is a boy thing. Hes only curious. I agree with the other people just remove his hands and simply put him down and walk away. Also watch out for what daddy does around the munchkin because if he sees daddy doing it he will continue.

  7. My son was brest fead and at 13 mos went there in a store. OMG. But this is normal.

  8. he's perfectly normal, my oldest used to do the same thing and my 3 year old lad's eyes light up when ever he catches a glimpse of my b***s and tries to have a feel,  they are just curious because your so much different to them, when my 3 year old does it i just gently take his hand away and say leave mummy's b***s alone, but i don't do it in such a manner that he thinks he's done anything bad if you know what i mean.

  9. My son is doing the same thing - he's 2 1/2.  Its kind of creepy, but I don't make a big deal about it.  My mom very calmly tells him not to touch her there b/c that's her "private parts".  That seems to work pretty well.  I think he is just very curious.

  10. This is normal for a child at this age. He is making a bigger deal of it because of your reaction to it. DOn't make it into a big deal and it won't be one.

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