
My son is having a hard time learning how to tie his shoes i need a good way to teach him how?

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My son is having a hard time learning how to tie his shoes i need a good way to teach him how?




  1. their are books out that will help just be consistent and he will learn on his on timing but make sure you do make him try don't always do it for him

  2. There's this Spongebob episode where spongebob taught partick how to tie his shoes and there's a song that goes along with it.

  3. Is he left handed or right handed. I'm right handed - and my daughter is a leftie - I had to get a friend of mine - who is a leftie to teach her how to tie her shoe!

    Also, sometimes kids don't listen to mom - what in the world do we know!?!?! :) Maybe just having a neutral party try to show him will help1

    Good luck!

  4. I don't know how old your son is, but maybe leave it a bit - I didn't learn until  Iwas about 7, but I got it almost instantly because it's easier to pick things up etc.

  5. Step 1:

    Wait until your child is ready. Most children develop the dexterity needed to tie shoelaces between the ages of 4 and 6. Girls are often ready to learn slightly earlier than boys.

    Step 2:

    Make sure your child knows right from left before you try to teach him how to tie his shoes.

    Step 3:

    Choose one method of lace tying, and teach it consistently. Make sure that everyone who may be trying to help your child learn this skill is offering the same method. Otherwise, he may get confused.

    Step 4:

    Make up a game or poem to help your child remember the necessary steps.

    Step 5:

    Make sure that you and your child are side by side rather than opposite each other when you demonstrate. That way he'll be able to copy your movements rather than mirror them.

    Step 6:

    Give your child lots of praise when he gets it right.

  6. I taught my daughter the bunny ear method and it worked well.  She is 6.  

    First I just had her practice tying the simple knot.  I had her try that several times until she was very good at it and confident with it.  

    Then I had her practice forming the bunny ears.  That part is difficult because it is often difficult for small hands to have the good fine motor skills needed to both form the bunny ear and also hold it in place.  I just had her, at first, practice making the 2 bunny ears and holding them in place.

    Next I had her practice pushing one bunny ear through the other one.  Then comes the pulling the ears together after they've flipped over each other.  

    Once you pull the ears (tug on them, I told her), the bow is tied!  My daughter can even tie a double knot now and she only got the hang of tying about 2 months ago.

    Good luck!

  7. Lety him wear velcro.

  8. I found this little box of cardboard shoes and laces.  It is made by Key Education Publishing company.  It is called " I can tie my shoes."  It makes it more fun to learn with these.  My daughter had mastered it after just two or three days.  Worked great, comes with instructions for you.  Hope this helped.  I got this at the school box( a teacher store).

  9. Maybe you could see if someone else could try. I know my older sister taught me. I remember the first time I succeeded at it!!

  10. when I tried to teach my daughter we both just got frusturated. We were at my 80 year old neighbor's house one day and I ran home to do something and came back and my daughter was tying her shoe! It was unbelievable, but she has tied it since that day...

  11. I thought  myself how to tie my shoes give him time he will learn it him self.


    Buy him velcro shoes.

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