
My son is in IEP and I was wondering if there are programs for them to do in the summer for free?

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My son is in IEP and I was wondering if there are programs for them to do in the summer for free?




  1. If you are near a college that offers education as a major they may offer programs with teachers in training and their professors serving as leaders.  

    Try your parks and rec department, too.  They often have under utilized programs that are very reasonable in price.

  2. Does the school district or special education cooperative near you have an extended school year option?  If so, your son should be able to attend if it is stated in his IEP.. and it is free!

  3. Usually, it has to be in his IEP-

    if his IEP specifies extended year-then teh school must provide a program-either in house-or at a camp, other school, etc...

    My town used to have a 12 hour/week program that was free----but most places do not have one...

    There may be some activities open to everyone-like a playground program-where a counselor is at the playground-but it is informal and unstructured

    a library program

    sometimes the county park system

  4. Not sure what you mean by in IEP, as an IEP is a document. ARD committees write IEP's and determine the need for extended school year services.  If they state the need then the services must be free to the parents.

  5. Depending on where you live there should be a variety of programs available.  even during the school year. try asking one of his teachers or caseworker if you have one.  Good luck!

  6. It depends on what the local area has to offer. Ask the school guidance counselor.

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