
My son is in kindergarten and as the year comes to a close?

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I was wondering what your opinions and thoughts are on getting his teacher a gift and if so what would you recommend?? Thanks




  1. Yes, it is what everyone does, I suggest something practical like a gift card, $25 or $50 to a store, a book store, perhaps a restaurant.

  2. If you don't want to spend alot, a personalized card from your son with a note thanking her for being such a good teacher written by him and telling something he learned from her and maybe a picture of himself inside.   I think if I was a teacher, something personal like that would mean alot.

  3. We give our childrens teachers flowers.  I don't give gift cards and such.  You don't know where they shop or what they like.  Flowers are a nice way to say thanks.

  4. Look online for teacher gift baskets...

  5. My wife sent cards home to all the parents and everyone through in $5 and she got the teacher a gift cert to a store and a manicure!!

  6. Teachers like to stock up on school supplies, classroom decor, and other learning tools, but these items are quite expensive.  A gift card of $25.00 or so to an education supply store like Hammett's Learning World would probably be much appreciated.

  7. Usually at my son's school all of the kids give a class gift together.  Maybe you could talk to some other mom's and see if you can get a group of them to chip in on something.  We usually do a gift for $10 each and get the teacher anything from flowers, a Dunkin Donuts gift card, or a gift card to a teacher's supply store.  They are always in need things from there.  You could also get a class picture adn frame it for the teacher to dispaly in his or her classroom.

  8. Since my children have been in school...all 3 of them(over the last 13 years...I have given gift certificates for $25.00 dollars at the end of the year to each of my childrens teachers..Now instead of Gift Certificates I give Visa Gift Cards...that way the Teacher is not limited to any certain store...they can buy WHAT they want...WHERE they want...we all know we could NEVER repay the time and ENERGY and Loving Guidance these Wonderful Teachers have put into our children over the years...A gift of appreciation is the least we can do for Enriching our Childrens lives and helping make them who and what they are!

  9. a apple

  10. Flowers and a good book of poetry by Whitman

  11. I always got something for her classroom. A friend of mine is a teacher and she said the best gifts were always a school picture with something small. She's been teaching 3 years and she has a photo album from each year and she put's them on a shelf in her classroom. She makes them throughout the year with the students and then they're welcome to come back and see them.

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