
My son is living in U.S.A. and holder of green card, can I migrate to U.S.A.?

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My son is a scientist working for U.S.A. government for the last three years. I want to find out if I am elegible to apply for resident visa as I am a dependent on him.




  1. The best answer I can offer is that you should ask your son to contact a qualified immigration lawyer here in the United States. If he's a scientist in the employ of the government, then he is paid enough (even at GS3 level) to be able to afford the minimal fees needed to answer the question of how difficult this is.

    But in general, no: it shouldn't be difficult in most cases. It would depend on your circumstances where you are, his circumstances where he is, and the amount of legal maneuvering it would take to get you here. If the lawyer says it's "a long shot" or "very difficult" then I'd say the chances are slim and not to expect very much, but a slim chance is better than no chance at all, right?

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