
My son is mixed but he looks white....

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He has black features but his skin is long will it take for him to get his color? He's 6 days old




  1. If he's going to get any more color, you'll see a difference in a few months.

  2. It could take a few weeks or months. But he could also be light skinned all his life. Its something that you'll just have to wait and find out for.

  3. maybe you just have powerful genes

  4. I am 26 years old.  I am mixed.  I have blonde hair and i'm pale as ****.  I look exactly like my dad,,minus the color.  It happens.  My mom is pale with blue eyes and blonde hair.  

  5. i was white as a ghost when i was born but now im caramel skin

    just wait for the sun to do its work

    within the next year h**l get his colour  

    by the time hesin his teen year he will most likely be brown skin

  6. You'll be able to tell in a few months (varies if it is the winter or summer). But I was told to look at their ears and what ever color their ears are, is about the color they will eventually be.

  7. why do you care if it's black or white?

  8. You will never know. Sometimes the kids always stay 'white' looking, sometimes the kids turn 'black' when they get older but you can never really know

  9. Maybe that's his skin color, just be thankful he's alive and healthy.

  10. I have 2 nieces that are mixed race. They were both pretty light for about 2 weeks. One is darker than the other. Especially in the summer.  

  11. My children are also mixed.  One is very dark complected but the other two are very light.  Whenever mine were first born they were very pale, and they actually stayed that way for a while.  I would say they started changing within a couple months.  You can also look at the top of there ears and if that color is darker that is usually their real color.

  12. i have a adopted son who is mixed. when he first came to me he looked like a white baby with straight black hair. he was 6 days old. now he's dark, white features and curly hair. he's almost 15

  13. Girl I know what you mean!  I'm white and my husband is black.  Our baby has WHITE skin.  He's probably pass for being Italian, but definitely no one would think he is mixed.  He's 4 1/2 months old and barely has darkened.   Also, his hair texture is like mine, very soft and smooth.  He also has some black features, like his nose is more like his fathers, and he has that visible line on his hands and feet, where the skin meets the bottom of his feet, you know what I mean.  I was all worried that no one would know he's my baby, but it turns out the exact opposite.  He has gotten darker, but not much.  If you want a picture to compare, look at my pic...

  14. I've noticed in alot of mixed babies their pigment is usually very light at birth and later they begin to get dark.

  15. You may be able to tell by the color of the outer ridge of his ears - if they're darker than the rest of his complexion, he may eventually get closer to that color.

    It took my son about a year to get to the color he is now (he's 2), and he tans extremely well in the summer. He also has blond/brown curly hair, but it has the same texture as my fine, super-straight hair.

    My daughter, who is 6 weeks is much lighter than her brother, and her ears aren't very different than the rest of her skin tone - chances are she won't be changing much.

    They both have their dad's features, but my daughter's eyes are lighter than my son's were when he was born - but eye color isn't for sure either for the first few months.

    Genetics can be so different with each baby - siblings can end up looking TOTALLY different than eachother. No matter how then end up, they're all beautiful. :) Enjoy your new edition! :)  

  16. color ain't changin, the only thing i can tell you is get him a tan when he's older (not very healthy).  

  17. My son is mixed but looks white too!  He is 9 months now and still looks white :)  Also I am mixed, one of my brothers was very light when he was younger, when he was around 10 years old he started to get a lot darker.  

  18. all depends on genetics. he could keep his liteskin like some mixed kids do, but most likely he'll get darker as time goes on.

    im mixed (black white) and I looked asian until I was like 4 lol  

  19. My daughter is mixed as well and she is almost two.  She looks pretty white in the winter, but she gets really dark in the summer.  I joke that she is half white: half the year she is white and half the year she is dark.  I was really surprised that she looks so much like me.  She looks like her dad, too, but I really was expecting a darker baby.

  20. all black babys look white.  

  21. Just relax yourself....the baby will get his right color in due time. It will probably take 3-6 months for his true color to show.

  22. Can I instead ask you this question?  Is your child healthy?  Does he have all of his fingers, toes, eyes, limbs?  Does he appear to be mentally ok for a baby?  Can he see and hear?  

    In other words, does it matter whether he looks white or not?  Your child is not "mixed"!  He is bi-racial.  My sister has bi-racial children and one is "white" and the other is "darker".  Hopefully, all of this really doesn't matter and you aren't tripping out over it.  You can give your child a complex or something.

  23. I agree with that Eggroll Jenkins guy. You should see his skin colour anywhere between a few weeks to the next few months as he develops.  

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