My 10 year old son is a super sweet kid at home. He is very impulsive, and has a lot of energy. At school, he is too distracted, not very responsible, all the kids hate him (he really irritates them), and his teacher does not listen. He cannot do the work load in class, and we sit at home every night struggling with tons of school work he was supposed to do during the day. He has an IEP, but it seems the teacher does not care that much this year. He will just lose the work on purpose most of the time, so he won't have to do it at home.
I have threatened, given consequences, and am consistant with him, but I am really lost and don't know how to handle this. He just doesn't seem to care. He has already given up.
I am going to go in to talk to the principal, as I have done so many times. What steps should I take with the child and the school?