
My son is playing on a team with an average group of kids. None are great none are bad.?

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He has sat the bench for 4games now. I said something to the coach because I feel it is unfair because all the kids are pretty equal. There is only 2 boys that actually stand out. The rest are weak to say the least. Since I said something, the coach has been going out of his way to make sure my son doesn't play at all. If he gets on base in his one at bat, he pinch runs a different player. I watched him behind my son telling another coach how to play him so he doesn't get to bat again. and told the other coach to pull him right after his one at bat was done.

I paid 200.00 to watch my kid and I believe he is good enough to play. The sad thing is he is feeling really down, embarrassed, and his confidence is really taking a beating. I feel like I ruined things for my son. Is there anything I can do to make this coach grow-up?




  1. Heavy sigh... It amazes me that grown men act like that! What kind of lessons are they teaching children? (okay, I've finished my rant...)

    My son was in a similar situation, and his team only won one game that season. The next year my boy "blocked" playing for that team and was placed on a team with a fantastic coach.

    It REALLY p*ssed the old coach off when my son's team won the league that year. BTW, my son was on a team with a few great players and he learned from them AND the new coach taught basics so my son improved immediately.

    You have options: pull your son off the team if it's making him sad; tell him to ride it out knowing it's not going to get any better; ask if he can be moved to another team.

    I feel your pain - so I'm sending you a lot of luck!

  2. Why not just try switching him to another team? If the coach is an *** then that's what I would do. No coach has a right to purposefully keep your kid on the bench.

  3. tell the coach you are going to a different more grown up team then just go to another local team the always have tons. and then just tell your son it wasnt his fault he got sat. dont worry your son will get over it and so will you :D

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