
My son is playing potty games with me?

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My son is 2.5 and he was going potty at home about 50% of the time. He went to visit Grandma for 4 days and she worked on it with him and he was going about 90% of the time and was very proud and happy. Now that he is back home we will not have anything to do with it. He will not even try, he wants nothing to do with it. I still ask him, but I don't push it.

Any suggestions here?




  1. Talk to Grandma to see if she was doing anything differently.  It could be just a style difference.  Was she awarding him with stickers or treats?  Did he use the "big" potty instead of a baby potty?  Was it a timing issue?  Try to find out what she did and see if that helps him along.

  2. my son went through so many times where he would be fully or almost fully potty trained and then just stopped.

    I would see if grandma did anything differently--and also get out the potty chart--I made one and one side was weeks with long columns and each time he used the potty he got a star for his chart and a sticker for himself and each time he had an accident I made an X through it just so I could keep track.

    I kept reminding him if he made it through the whole day with no accidents he would get a reward--on the other side was a month and if there were no accidents all day we would put a sticker and he would get to pick a prize out of the daily grab bag (which were little cheap toys and candies ( from the dollar store--you can get a 6 pack of cars for $1 or tops--a big bag of candy stuff like that). my son was proud of the different color cars that he got---If he went a whole week with no accidents the prizes got a little better--nothing really big---and so on with a whole month---no more accidents...finally.

    also do not put him back in pull ups or diapers keep him in big boy underwear---maybe a new pack in his favorite character can be one of his prizes

  3. My son also had a period of time when he did not want to pee in a potty but in to his trousers. It was like for about two weeks or so then he returned to potty again. I also was trying to tell him to make a rain sound in the potty and was telling him "well done!" and he liked it.

    Forgotten to say that we have two potties: one is a shallow one and another one which you can sit properly on it. He prefers the higher one. He did want to go on a potty till we got him this higher one which he liked immediately. It is from babybjorn.

    Another thing, if he goes for bigger things keep some toilet paper near just in case. My son was refusing to sit the whole period and after each poo and I had to put a sheet of toilet paper to cover it; then he would sit again and continue... :)

  4. My son wouldn't even attempt the potty until he was 3, I think he went twice at about 2.5 but that was it for the next 5 months. Maybe your son just isn't ready? I think all you can do is keep asking him. I was starting to get worried, but once my son decided he was ready, he only had 2 days of 1 or 2 accidents each day, and that was it. I was amazed!

    The other thing, like the others on here have suggested, is to try different rewards. My son has no interest in stickers, but loves it when we make a big deal out of his good behaviour, so every time he would go potty we would cheer and get all excited - he was so proud of himself.

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