
My son is potty training and will not p**p AT ALL.. even in his diaper HELP?

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To go to preschool my son has to be potty trained. School starts Sept. 4th. My son pees in the potty, but HATES pooping in it.. he hasn't gone in 2 days and won't even go in his diaper. He is clearly in need of a bowel movement (I can tell from his body language) but refuses to do it. I have spent hours sitting with him, reading books, encouraging him, doing everything. I might add that he is also a VERY picky eater and prunes, etc are just simply not an option. HELP!




  1. My son is 3 yrs, 2 months.  Same situation, but he wears diapers for naps/bedtime.  I tell him to p**p when he wakes up.  We've had our share of constipation issues, too.  Push the fruit, but not apples or bananas.  They also have something called Babylax - a liquid glycerin suppository.  Works great - but check w/ your dr. cuz I'm not one.  My son won't p**p while camping so we had to use the babylax to get him pooping again after we got home.  But a daily reminder to him to p**p when he wakes up in his diaper seems to really have helped.  It's normal for the BM aspect of potty training to take longer, I've heard.  Good luck!

  2. I would never send my child to a preschool that DEMANDED my child perform a task he was not physically ready to do.

    Anyway, try to get him to relax. Once he relaxes, you  may get results, however, preschool age is when a person usually develops their normal bowel habits (they usually follow you for life - not always). His pattern may be that he doesn't go every day.

    If you feel he is CERTAINLY holding it, call the doc.

  3. I would give him a stool softener until he can get in a better routine....  He won't be able to withhold his bm's then...  

    He probably will not p**p at all when he gets to preschool, he learn to hold it there, and do it at home.

    I wouldn't worry about preschool....  I would just work on getting is bowel movements regulated.

    Good Luck ~

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