
My son is sleeping in his big boy bed tonight.?

by Guest45200  |  earlier

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My son is 17 months old. He hates the crib so we bought him a bed. He is my baby so it is hard seeing him in this big bed. Anybody else have a hard time letting their little ones sleep in their bed for the first time.




  1. Usually it's the other way around - they hate the big bed and want their crib or to sleep with Mom and Dad.  17 months is pretty young  - I understand how you feel.    

  2. We switched my daughter to her big girl bed when she was a year old ( i know its really young) when she would wake up she would hit her head on her crib so hard she has almost knocked her self out. And crying that hard made her vomit many many times. We have never not heard her but that fear was always there. So we switched her, put up a gate so if she wakes up and we don't hear she can simply get to our room. It was hard becuase she was so little but we knew it was for the best and now she sleeps pretty well through the night and normally gets up around 6 and crawls in with us. Shes 19 months old now.

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