
My son is sleeping so much today.. why?

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So he is 5 months old. He went to bed at 9:30 last night. Got up at 3 am for a feeding then up at 7 am. Back down from 8:30 to 9:30 and not again from 11:30 to present (2 PM). He doesn't usually sleep this much during the day. Plus he is eating almost twice what he normaly would. Do you think it could just be a groth spurt or something??




  1. HI Its pretty normal as the babies tend to grow so much and so fast he is probaly   learning new things out around him and eating more because of growth spurt.. my daughter was the same way and she was also starting to teeth is your lil one teething yet?? good luck..  

  2. oh! It's a growth spurt! Yay! =D

  3. hes just growing...dont worry.

    my 2 year old neighbors still goes through days every few months where she sleeps more and just means shes growing

  4. sounds like a growth sput to me. hes around the age where babies tend to have a growth spurt. As long as he isnt screaming in a high pitch, or acting drowsy. he should be ok. you'll be able to tell if theres something wrong with him. As long as hes happy :D x x  

  5. that def sounds like a growth spurt. And the timeing (5 months) sounds just like my daughter when she went through one.  

  6. He might just be especially tired today, just like you and I have days that we sleep more than we usually do.  My 6-week old daughter slept a lot today as well.  

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