
My son is starting school next year for the first time but I'm abit worried?

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My son is starting school next year for the first time but I'm abit worried?




  1. Don't be worried. He will go to school and probably cry for a short time. Do not show him your separation anxiety. It is contagious

  2. I am a preschool teacher. One of the biggest problems we have is not the anxiety of the child, but of the parent. When the child goes to school for the first time, it is scary. the child will discover within the first 10-15 minutes that school is fun. There is no need to be scared. They may play on your anxieties though to get a reaction. You need to acknowledge his fears and remind him of how much fun he had. He will quickly set aside all fears of going to school. At this time, you can then stop pretending that you are not worried and actually relax.

    On the first day, stay a few minutes, help him get involved in an activity and then say good buy. DO NOT SNEAK OUT!!!!!! This only instills fear and distrust in YOU!!! I can't express this enough. He needs to see you go and hear you say buy and that you will be back to pick him up. If you are still worried, come back 20 minutes later and observe him playing, if you can do so without being seen. Trust me, you will be amazed at what you see.

    Good luck. And don't feel bad, most parents feel the same way. :)

  3. About what are you worried?   You have a year to prepare yourself, and your child for the separation created by his education.  You can help him get ready and even eager to go to school by providing him opportunities to interact with children close to his age who are already going to school.  You will be so proud of him when he proudly presents you with an endeavor of his intellectual creativity.  Think about how good that will make both of you feel.

  4. I have 2 boys in school this year, both of them are completely opposite.  The school offered a "phase-in" for the pre-schoolers. They got to meet the directresses and classmates for 3 days ( for 2 hrs.) Mommy were invited too, so we were able to meet other parents, the directresses and classmates also.The school that they attend has a drop off policy for drop offs and pick ups. Parents line up in their vehicles and drive to the door where teachers (directresses) open the car door and walk the children into the school. My first son did not even turn Around to wave at me. My second son did not exit the car with the confidence his brother did, but he was fine by the end of the week. He saw another student who he

    recognized and then you could see the calm in his face.

    The first day of school can be nerve wrecking to you and your baby. You shouldn't let him see it, he'll get even more nervous. He'll be fine and he'll LOVE IT!

  5. if he has been going 2 daycare and preschool and things like that he should be fine just dont let it show u r worried or he will worry

  6. My son started Pre-K beginning of September. I WAS SOOO WORRIED. First day he was nervous. Second and third day he cried and they had to peal him off me. Next week  was fine! And by the third day of that week he was PUSHING ME out the door. Bye mom, I love you, Have a good day at preschool! (he thinks that I go to school while he is in school, and that my youngest goes to "baby school"  HE LOVES IT!!!! Comes home singing songs, playing games.. He goes 4 days a week 8:20-2:35

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