
My son is terrified of his room?

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Yes, I posted this in two areas to get more answers from two types of people, please dont' report me.

My 20 month old son is terrified of his room - it started when we moved into a new house - he doesn't even like to play or read in there and forget sleeping in there - in fact, it's the entire upstairs.

He loves the down stairs and will sleep there no problem, even on the floor. I'm worried we are starting a bad habit, but he can't sleep in his crib - he wakes up screaming and shaking and his whole body is trembling and his heart is racing.

I thought it was just getting used to a new place. It's been 4 months, I've tried everything everyone suggested - music, nightlights, etc.

The other night I had a dream - a really really scarry and realistic dream of these 10 or more ghosts in his room that are haunting him - I could describe them all to you - and then we went down the stairs and they couldn't follow us down.

Any ideas - was this just a dream?




  1. I find it difficult to know if you are being serious or not.  There are plenty of reasons why a young child might have serious difficulty in a new bedroom. However, I'll share the following, which, if you find agreeable, I would suggest that you try for yourself:

    Catholic House Blessing

    Adapted from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers

    Bishop's Committee on the Liturgy

    National Conference of Catholic Bishops © 1988, pp. 297-301

    Gather as a family (roommates, friends, relatives) in any room you desire, with a crucifix present if possible. Yes, you can--and are encouraged to--bless your own home/apartment/condo/dorm room even if a priest isn't available!

    (Also available in PDF (15kb) for printing only)

    All make the sign of the cross.

    The leader, which the Bishops encourage to be a layperson, begins:

    Peace be with this house and with all who live here. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

    All respond: Amen.

    The leader may use these or similar words to introduce the house blessing:

    When Christ took flesh through the Blessed Virgin Mary, he made his home with us. Let us now pray that he will enter this home and bless it with his presence. May he always be here among us; may he nurture our love for each other, share in our joys, comfort us in our sorrows. Inspired by his teachings and example, let us seek to make our home before all else a dwelling place of love, diffusing far and wide the goodness of Christ.

    Then the Scripture is read by another family member:

    A reading from the letter of Paul to the Colossians

    You are God's chosen race, his saints; He loves you, and you should be clothed in sincere compassion, in kindness and humility, gentleness and patience.

    Bear with one another; forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. The Lord has forgiven you; now you must do the same.

    Over all these clothes, to keep them together and complete them, put on love.

    And may the peace of Christ reign in your hearts, because it is for this that you were called together as parts of one body. Always be thankful.

    Let the message of Christ, in all its richness, find a home with you. Teach each other, and advise each other, in all wisdom. With gratitude in your hearts sing psalms and hymns and inspired songs to God;

    And never say or do anything except in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

    The word of the Lord.

    All Respond: Thanks be to God.

    (Alternate readings may be selected)

    After the scripture reading, all go from room to room, offering prayers of intercession and sprinkling holy water, if desired. Some of the following prayers may be used.

    At the entrance:

    O God, protect our going out and our coming in; Let us share the hospitality of this home

    with all who visit us, that those who enter here may know your love and peace.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.


    In the living room:

    O God, give your blessings to all who share this room, that we may be knit together in companionship.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.


    In the kitchen:

    O God, you fill the hungry with good things. Send your blessing on us, as we work in this kitchen, and make us ever thankful for our daily bread.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.


    In the dining room:

    Blessed are you, Lord of heaven and earth, for you give us food and drink to sustain our lives and make our hearts glad. Help us to be grateful for all your mercies, and mindful of the needs of others.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.


    In the bedrooms:

    Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, we may rest in his peace.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord.


    In the bathroom:

    Blessed are you, Lord of heaven and earth. You formed us in wisdom and love. Refresh us in body and in spirit, and keep us in good health that we might serve you.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord


    All return to the starting place. A cross or icon is kissed by each person, and then put in a permanent place of honor. A candle may be lighted before it.

    All recite the Lord's Prayer.

    The Leader speaks the prayer of blessing:

    Be our shelter, Lord, when we are at home, our companion when we are away,

    and our welcome guest when we return. and at last receive us into the dwelling place

    you have prepared for us in your Father's house, where you live for ever and ever.


    All make the sign of the cross as the leader concludes:

    May the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, and may the word of Christ in all its richness

    dwell in us, so that whatever we do in word and in work, we will do in the name of the Lord.


    The blessing may conclude with a song such as "Now Thank We All Our God."

  2. Sounds to me like you have "uninvited" spirits in your home.   I would "sprinkle" your upstairs with holy water (actually you could use olive oil - and say out loud that it represents the blood of Jesus).  Tell the spirits that you have been given authority over them in the name of Jesus and command them to leave.  They have NO right to be there and they MUST go.  

    I had a similar experience years ago.  If these spirits - ghosts - demons - whatever you want to call them are harassing your child, then YOU must stand up and tell them to leave your child alone!  Don't be afraid. The bible says that spirits MUST obey you in Jesus' name.

  3. sounds scary, you might want to move out seriously, it might be spirits because young children are more susceptible to spirits than older people

  4. I don't think you should ignore that dream.

    Maybe you could talk to someone you trust to spend the night upstairs to see if something strange is going on in his room at night?

  5. something similar happened to my little brother when he was little. he hated sleeping in his room and didn't like being in there alone. it turned out to be because there was a spirit of a young boy around his age in there and he was frightened of his father (who was also a ghost in the house and had been abusive when he was alive- possibly he even killed the family- i tried not to go too in depth with it.) i cleansed the room by carrying incense around (sage, nag champa, rosemary, lavender and sandalwood are all good) the room and blowing it into all the corners, then i did the same with a bowl of spring water and salt, sprinkling a little bit of water in each corner, then the same with a white candle ( pale blue or pale pink are OK too, just nothing too bright) and then with a bowl of salt (same thing, tiny bit sprinkled in each corner). after that i left the window and door open to air out the room and let fresh energy in. the spirit boy left the room but only went to the next room where the spirit of his mother was. it was only when i banished the father many months later, that they all passed on. try the cleansing and if that doesn't work contact me.

  6. have you witnessed anything unusual?if not then i would think that  maybe your son is acting like that to get his way?if you really think your house might be haunted then do some investigating yourself.use a digital voice recorder & start asking questions.take some pics & see if anything shows up.can't hurt.

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