
My son is two and never speaks.......?

by  |  earlier

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I already have him in all the Early intervention services and his dr. is well aware of the problem I keep thinking just b/c he doesn't really speak that they are going to diagnose with autisim but all of his therapist's sat that he doesn't have many other traits.He is going to be 2 in September and has no words he says consistantly not even mama,dada,or baba.I have even tried signs but he did "more"sign for about 2 weeks and then just never did it again.He has always had alot going on medically but I get really upset when I am around children in the same age group and they speak so well....I am not one of those parents who just give him whatever he wants when he groans I try to make him speak but it's not giomg so well....any suggestions?????




  1. My 2 year old was born a month early and still only says a few words. When we went to his dr. appointment a few months ago and they suggested we have a speech therapist do an evaluation. We now have a therapist stop by our house every week to work with him and the government pays for it.

  2. Does he not utter a word?  Does he make noises, or indicate in any way what he needs?  I strongly suggest getting his hearing checked.

  3. And your question is?

      What do you mean never speaks? Does he try to communicate in any way? Pointing, grunting, crying? If not, take him to the doctor, there may be a problem. If it's just that he doesn't use words that you understand, then you need to listen better and try to help him say different things.

  4. Some kids don't speak untill they're 4, then they start talking in complete sentences. But take him to a doctor or a psychiatrist to make sure he doesn't have a disease that they didn't catch earlier or something.

  5. Go to a doctor...

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