
My son is up every 2hrs & he only drinks 2oz. Can I give him just a little cereal in his bottle before bed?

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Wow guys-im not only going to wait to give him cereal-I may not give it to him at all. thanks for the advice. By the way he's almost 2 weeks old (even worst huh?)




  1. If we knew the age it would help, but I put rice cereal in my kids bottles to thicken it - the pediatrician recommended it- because they both had acid reflux and the thicker formula stayed down better. It helped them sleep longer, but you have to make sure the opening of the nipple is perfect- large enough to allow it to flow, but not so big it pours. As they got older I even added jarred fruit to the bottle and shook it up like a fruit shake- again- with the pediatrician's okay.

  2. That causes a chocking  hazard and can make your baby develop food allergies oh by  way it doesnt really help them sleep the best way to get your baby to sleep longer at night is keep them up more during the day so  that they actually are tired at night

  3. NOOOO!!!!!!! the only thing babies need is milk. Their digestive system cant handle anything else...and studies have shown that the longer you keep them off that cereal c**p the less food alergies your child will have.Its normal for the baby to be hungry all the time and wake up every few hours, welcome to motherhood!!!!

  4. No...cereal causes choking hazards...small babies have small tummy's therefore can only hold a small amount of food...younger babies tend to need to nurse more often...his/her ability to hold down more for a longer period will increase. Once your baby hits 10 pounds...he/she will be able to sleep longer.....

  5. Your son isn't even 2 weeks old of course he is waking up every 2 hours.  What were you expecting an adult?

  6. No, you cannot. Cereal in a bottle is a choking hazard and shouldn't be added to formula to drink like that. It's meant to go on a spoon when your baby can eat from one(typically after 4 months). It's also more of a myth that cereal helps a baby sleep longer. If they are not ready for it then it can cause more of a belly ache than anything.

    How old is your baby? Younger babies will need to eat that often during the night. That's just the way it is because their bellies are very tiny and can only hold a certain amount. Have you tried giving him more formula? He may be ready to have another ounce added to his feedings.

  7. How old is he? We started feeding cereal at 7 1/2 months.

  8. no way! if he falls a sleep while feeding wake him up .get him to drink a little more each time. and dont jump up as soon as he makes a peep wait a minute or two each time he wakes he may go back to sleep. but waiting a little longer each time before you get him is good .

  9. you didn't say his age but he must be a newborn if he is only taking 2 a time. i didn't ever put cereal in my baby's bottle but i don't think bad of mothers who do..its their choice. but considering he is only taking 2 oz he is probably too young to be giving a filler such as rice cereal. little babies need all the good nutrients in formula/breastmilk

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