
My son is very mean to his sister?

by  |  earlier

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he pushes her he kicks her he hits her and alot more what should I do




  1. It is called DISCIPLINE.  Time out, take things away from him, or spank him.  

  2. don't feel bad my brother hit and punched me too

    but i was the one calling him names and stuff

    but anyway my parents use to make us hold hands and sing the barney song it was awful i most hated it when we were out in public

  3. Uh, discipline him?  Take away things he likes, send him to his room without things he enjoys, and just take away privileges.

  4. If he's older than 4, he needs a psychological assessment to see if there's something wrong.  This is behavior that is abusive and wrong needs stopped immediately!!

    If not, then reward/punishment might work.  If he's school age, and he doesn't do that at school, then he CAN control himself.  He chooses to abuse his sister.

    If you can't get him to stop, then you need to find another place to live for your son, like a military school.  He sounds completely out of control and your daugther is being ABUSED!!!  This is intolerable!!!

    PLEASE DON'T JUST STAND BY AND LET THIS HAPPEN!!!  Your daugther will end up HATING YOU for letting this happen at when your son gets older he might start doing it to YOU!!!!

  5. My dad would have beat my ***. Not saying that violence solves violence, but it def. worked in our house. My dad would look at us and say..."Do you want me to get into that fight? Cause I'll tell you right now, I'm going to win." And that was enough for us to get along. Putting the fear of death into your children helps, it sure kept our house in-line and I don't resent my parents at all for it.  

  6. Where is your son learning to be so violent? Children, usually pick up on things they see. Maybe we ought to focus more on the fact that he is hitting. Period! Voilence should never be taught as an alternative and especially towards a female, he being a boy. I think for every time he resorts to voilence, there should be a consequence. tell him he is in trouble for "hitting" not who, what or when. Only "hitting".

    We are the main source of educatin for our children, we need to also teach our children. Don't leave all the work to their educators, no one will look out for ur child's BEST interest the way a Parent does.... Tell ur boy "No Hitting!" "Bad Boy!"

    Better to face and deal with this now then later when he's calling you from the county jail.... Don't you agree.????

  7. have him sit in the closet with the door shut every time he does it

  8. talk  to  somebody

  9. You stop him now! Take things away from him, ground him for a month. Tell him that if he hits his sister again, you will have no choice but to call the cops because he needs to learn. What he is doing is not right and you need to stop him.

  10. My first question to you would be How old is your son and daughter?. 2- How long has this been going on? If this is truly violent, I would definitely seek professional help for both your children's sake. It sounds like there's a lot going on there emotionally with your son.

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