
My son it 4 yr old, he has been waking up lately crying, when i check on him he says his foot hurts.?

by  |  earlier

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this has happened many times and I dont know why. Has anyone else heard of this? Or had a child do the same? What is it?




  1. My 4yr daughter has been experiencing foot pain since 18mos.  I have had her to her pediatrician, 2 ortho drs and a neurologist.  The good news is in all the tests they have run, they can't find anything.  Her pain isn't always during the night, sometimes just when she is sedentary for long periods of time.  I have tried everything from changing socks, shoes etc.  When she has these pains, 4 out of 7 nights a week, she would scream for up to 6 hours and nothing would help sooth her.  I have tried ice, creams, massage.  The only thing currently keeping the major ones under control is ibuprofen.  Per drs advice, she gets 3/4 a tsp twice a day.  It has been increased from once a day to twice and the dosage started at 1/4 tsp now at 3/4 a tsp.  She recently had a procedure which required taking her off the ibuprofen for a week before the procedure and she had 3 episodes during that time.  I am also at a loss.  Good luck, I hope you have better luck than I am having with them.

  2. My daughter has done this many times! Many times at odd hours of the night! I took her with her pediatrician, b/c it was an ongoing problem and he said feet and legs sometimes hurt when they are growing, bones are expanding! A few kids in my family have gone through this! My daughter has not been feet hurting for almost 6 months, lol! Nothing to worry about, part of growing!

    P.S Just to let you know our pediatrician did not prescribe any medicine or anything!

  3. Well, I hate to break it to you, but here is the bad news:

    His foot hurts.

  4. he says his foot hurts so take him to the doctor for it

    it could be anything from growing pains to he actually hurt his foot

    ask him which foot and where it hurts

    EDIT: i wonder if his foot is falling asleep and he's getting the pain from it waking up

    ask him to show you how he sleeps and if it looks like a position that could cause his foot to fall asleep tell him about it

  5. As long as he hasn't stepped on anything i would say it is most likely a cramp in the foot.  Maybe he is holding his foot strange while he is sleeping, my son does that too and ends up with a foot cramp or sometimes a leg cramp too. If it continues you might want to talk to the DR about it and have it checked out.  It is probably nothing though just one of those aches and pains.

  6. My 3 year old has recently been complaining of "boney legs" and sometimes says they feel broken and can't walk.  Our local health nurse said it shouldn't be growing pains as recent research has proven growing pains a myth.  Blah! I stopped growing at 11 and had growth hormones to make me taller and I can tell you my bones ached from it.

  7. I have the same problem with my 3 year night I just took her to ER to see whats going on....they took x-rays and asked her to walk for them and they said nothing was wrong with her foot.....she still wakes up at night crying sometimes...and the doctors say its nothing.

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