
My son just adopted a hamster and she has a unsual habit of flinging her poo. Is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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She seems to pull it from her behind and fling it. She is happy, healthy and cuddly. I'm just a little confused and its been over 20 years since I have had a hamster myself. I researched and unable to find any answers.




  1. It's normal for a hamster to do this, so don't worry.

  2. i have never heard of that.

    it could be she is pregnant and flinging her poo is a way to keep "predators" from tracking her down

    she could be marking her territory like a dog does. a dog scratches the ground to get the smell around to say hes there. flinging her p**p could be a related her behavior

  3. Yes this is normal, hamsters are very orginized and like to know where everything is. Another common thing to see is a hamster eating its p**p, this is normal as well, hamsters don't always get all of the nutrients out of their food the first time around and may redigestn it to get the nutrients out. to find out more go to this address:

  4. Yes it is very normal :)  Almost all rodents eat their own dropping.  This is quite normal as it provides the hamster the bacteria needed to create Vitamin B12 during digestion.  

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