
My son just drank kool-aid that was about 6 months old....?

by  |  earlier

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he's 10 years old and its a long story as to why it was still in the fridge and why he drank it but bottom line he gonna puke all night from 4 ounces of old nasty kool-aid or will it not make him sick? thanks............




  1. he will be fine all kool aid is is flavored sugar mixed with water

  2. He may throw up just to get it off his stomach if it will not digest. you may want to get some piedalite in case he has diarriea or throws up all night. See if you can call an on call nurse at the hospital so you wont worry all night.

    Keep and eye on him tonight.

  3. 6 months old?

    wow .

    He'll probablly get the runs. If it had mold or something in it though i would watch him closely and if he starts to get sick take him to the er just incase.

    Be more carefull what's in your fridge.

    But i'm sure h**l be okay.

    good luck.

  4. i would just wait it out. He might get the runs. If he should start to show any signs of sickness then i would take him to the doctors. If he cries over a stomach ache he probably has food poisoning, just take him to the emergency room and they'll give him something to puke it up. Don't let other people bring you down with their comments accidents happen all the time.

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