
My son just got a fish tank. We know we want to put neon tetras in it, but what will go well with those.?

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We have it all set up with heater pump etc. and it is cycling now.




  1. Get tiger barbs they will go well with neon tetra, just watch the barbs as they can get a bit nippy.

  2. nothing that's feathered, like angel fish, what i mean by feathers is really long bits.

  3. Neon tetras aren't exactly a beginner fish, especially for beginners! Make sure you do a Google search on the 'Nitrogen cycle' before you add any fish, and things will go a lot smoother!

    If your filter is rated for a larger tank (I have a 30 gallon filter in my 10 gallon) you can add more fish without having to be an expert (:

    Tankmates for Neons include pretty much anything that is not going to harass or eat them; guppies, mollies, platys are livebearers, so count on more fish from them. Harlequin Rasboras are my absolute favorite, because they're incredibly flexible with pretty much everything and they survive. Black neons will school with neons, and danios are also good choices.

    In a 10 gallon, you should have two small schools, if you want both; 4 of each, and then some sort of bottom-level interest. The bottom level is important - they get all your leftover food that had dropped past the fish. An Apple snail or 3 or 4 ghost shrimp will do excellent in this sized tank in addition to the fish.

    Add slowly and in stages - too many fish too fast will result in an ammonia swing and probably fishy death.

    Fish to stay AWAY from: Barbs, of any kind because they can be aggressive especially in a small tank. Betta are territorial, both male and female and will nip and harass. Plecos; they get WAY too big for a 10 gallon. If you later have a problem with algae, snails are the way to go, or you can get a much smaller Oto catfish.

  4. if it doesn't have a source for ammonia in the tank then it is not cycling it is just circulating the water it takes tanks about a month to fully cycle but it must have a source for ammonia if you add fish before the tank is fully cycled you will have to be very very carefull so you don't lose any fish for more info about this and things you can do to help feel free to contact me

    as far as fish that could go with the neons things like glow fish which your son would realy like due to the verity of colors you can get them in like yellow,green,blue,orange, and they do not lose their colors

    also platys,mollies,and swords would go well with neons

    if you want to cycle with fish don't use neons to start with glowfish would be a better fish for this task and only 2 or 3 to start with for the first month

  5. ok, just double checking this b/c some ppl just set a tank running an expect it to cycle, do yuo have an ammoni suorce? Putting fish food in there to rot would create a good ammonia source to cycle with. Well, you have a lot of options with neons and other fish. But in a 10 gallon tank they are cut down. Well, at least 5 neons, maybe some pygmy corys, not corydoras, they get 3 inches, in a smaller tank, smaller fish are best. A betta wuold be in freaking heaven in there! So maybe a male betta, but a better less aggressive choice other than a betta wuld be a paradise fish or a dwarf gourami. Good luck with your tank, here is what I think you should get,

    5 neon tetras.

    4-5 pygmy corys.

    And 1 either paradise fish, dwarf gourami or betta, in that tank size, only one!

  6. I like having my bottom covered with some fish, so try bottom feeders.  Oto's and Cories are good ones and highly popular.  

  7. I'm assuming 10 UK gallon.

    You want Neon Tetra, so you will need at least 6. They shoal and less than 6 they would spend most of their time hiding. Plus they are small, so to get the visual benefit you need numbers.

    Bottom cleaners and algae eaters do a job and add interest. So I'll suggest 3 dwarf Cory. There's a couple of species that suit your tank size, so it's down to what's in stock. Otocinclus are dwarf sucker catfish that only eat vegetation and 4 of them would do OK.

    Your choices of additional fish are quite large and if you choose to use this compatibility chart you will get some ideas, but remember your tank size limitation.

    A shoal of 5 Pentazonal Barbs might add some contrast, they look like little Tiger Barbs with an extra stripe and far from aggressive they are rather shy.

    Probably could go on suggesting all night, but it's your tank :0) The main thing is think small and the community will all get on with each other.

  8. A lot of fish will live well with neons, but do a google search for them and ask on some of the various forums on tropical fish sites..

  9. anything small and non aggressive. mollys and swordtails are probably your best bet.  they dont really bother and other small fish.

  10. Here is a good stocking list:

    6 Neon Tetras

    2 Male Guppies

    3 Balloon Mollies

    2 Bamboo Shrimp/6 Ghost Shrimp

  11. Anything small, Mollies, Guppies, Barbs, Neons, Tetras, Cory Cats, Shrimp, Snails, or 1 Betta. Just be careful to not overstock. Have fun.  

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