
My son just got his 6 month shots and is now having some issues...?

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First, I am def calling his doc but they don't open for another hour. He has a low grade fever (last time I checked was 1.5 hr ago) (he is usually 97.4 and his fever was 98.8) but he is sweating profusley. He then threw up, not spit up but threw up like heaving and everything. He has been sleeping so much since he got the shots yesterday at 10:30. I know the fever and even a little vomit is common but all this sleeping? I am a little worried. Anyone else go through this?




  1. My baby has a fever after for a couple days. Like 101 degree fever. They said its ok to get up to 102 after shots, as long as you can control it with tylenol. I would just definitely call. I dont know about the throwing up. Good luck to your little one!  

  2. After my third baby got his four month shots all he did was sleep.  Now, my first two babies were a *little* tired after their shots, but not like this.  Excessive sleepiness is an adverse reaction.  My baby was different after those shots.  I'll never vaccinate again.  I'd go to the ER if I were you.  

  3. I would be taking him to the doctors now!!! In Australia we are advised to go to the ER if our child gets sick within 24 hours of their shots!

  4. That is normal after the shots.  I would still call the doctor, but don't worry too much.......that's just his body fighting off the shot.  That's what happened to my daughter when she got her shots (certain ones are worse than others).

    The fever is very mild and his body is probably just exhausted from fighting the shot.

  5. I know this answer will probably not be popular but here gos. Childhood shots have been linked to autism and we now have 1 out of 150 kids in the US with autism so my advise is to not give children shots until they are older right before they start school as it is not required by law until they start school. I would rather take the change of my child possibly getting a childhood illness that may make him a little sick temporally than to give him shots they may cause autism for life. So I say don't start giving required shots until age 5 before entering school because by that age fine motor skills and language have already developed and those are the areas where autism affects the babies. Also ask for the shots with no mercury in them they cost more but and you have to ask for them or they will give the ones with it because they are cheaper. As for your child being sick at this time with the fever and so forth bring him to the ER or doctor as soon as you can, but don't be to alarmed some kids just have bad reactions to shots. Hope this helps.

  6. It is a good thing to call the Dr.  When he got the shots, did they give you an information sheet on the shots?  If so, read through them.  Sleepiness may be common, but I can't be sure.  

    As far as him sleeping.  If you are worried there is something wrong, just stir him a little when he is sleeping, just to make sure he is still alert.

    If you become really worried, and the Dr. office is not getting back to you, just take him to the ER.  It is better to be safe then sorry!!

    Good luck!

  7. Actually that temp. is not a fever but the fact that he was sweating he chould have had one. A fever starts at 100.4. Fever can be normal after shots - sweating is how the body reacts to break a fever so that is normal as well ans the sleeping is because of the fever - I would give tylenol and give it a couple of days.

    This site can help

    Good luck

  8. it sounds like these are all typical symptoms that can happen after immunization, what's unusual to me is that he is getting all of them- often kids will either get the low grade fever or vomit or be irritable.   The fact that the temp is really quite low is a good sign.  I would just speak to your doc's answering service and see if you can't get someone to call you back now. It will ease your mind some.  They definitely need to know but I know it's your intention to call anyway. Some posters obviously misunderstood you and think it never occurred to you to call. Good luck.

  9. i wold go and get him checked asap. sounds like an allergic reaction of some kind.  

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