
My son just started walking and doesn't wanna sit down?

by  |  earlier

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He wants to walk all day and he i always bothering things. I can't get any thing done. what can i do




  1. Welcome to the fun stage.  The only thing you can do it put him in a pen or put baby gates up where you don't want him to be.

    The other thing would be to put EVERYTHING up out of his reach.

    Give him things to occupy him that you don't mind getting messed up.

    pots and pans, and tupperware works.

  2. See the above answer.  

  3. "I can't get any thing done. what can i do"

    Accept reality? Mothers of infants and toddlers are not supposed to get much done beyond being mothers to infants and toddlers.  

  4. best suggestion would be, if at all possible, try setting up an area that is perfect for him to walk around in, free of breakables, etc. or things for him to bother. Because I would guess if you try putting him in a play pen or something like that you'll have a tantrum on your hands! I have a little girl, but I have been told once boys start they just don't want to stop! Good luck!

  5. Get used to the joys of motherhood.  

  6. Duh he won't sit down. Make sure the area in which you are in to "get things done", like the kitchen, living room, bed room, etc. are baby proof. Take out small things on shelves, get a gate to black out an area, make sure there are toys and books available, lock the cabinets, etc. Let him explore and run is ok. He is not "bothering" things, he is learning about his world.

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