
My son just turned 9 months and drinks six ounce bottles through the day, but he will drink half and drink

by  |  earlier

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the rest an hour later , but at night he seems hungrier and when I put him to bed will drink almost 10oz mixed with rice cereal; and he still wakes up for another bottle of 4oz or so. Is this normal?




  1. They go through phases.. I would try feeding him more solids during the day so maybe he won't be as hungry at night.

  2. He should be eating solids at this point and be out of the rice cereal stage.  At this age. my kids were eating soft table food.

  3. It is totally normal.  Kids eat when they are hungry and sometimes they eat more when they have a little growth spurt.  I would try and get him on a better schedule as far as bottle goes.  Other than that, I wouldn't get too worried.

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