
My son keeps getting sick every month????

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My son is almost 21 months old... he keeps getting sick at the same time every month.. this will be about the 4th month in a row now. He runs a high fever at about 102.8 or so. The dr never want to see him until about the 3rd day and just send him homw with a common cold. I know lil kids get sick a lot but he is not in day care and its just odd to me that he gets it the sametime every month. It lasts around 5 days with a cough sneeze and lots of congestion. And it starts out of no where... I have asked for a dr to call me back today which i am still waiting on.. i almost wanna ask for blood work done.. or do you think this is totally normal. I almost want to change dr. cuz they seem so rude anymore. Pease give advise!! I am sooo worried! Do you think vitamins are ok for his age??




  1. i do think you need a new dr. they should have already had blood work done on him.

  2. Change ur child's doc and have a blood test done! Make sure to wash the childs hands and toys  especially when he gets over being sick bcuz the germs will still be on their toys and bottles and toothbrush if they still use those items.Does he have up to date shots? Does another kid play with them who r sick or have dirty hands?

    Becareful with vitamins (ask ur new doc first!) to much IRON in children under 6 yrs old is dangerous.

    Make sure to keep the child warm after baths and away form drafty windows and from pets l*****g his face and hands.

  3. okay, i just wanted to share some info i just found out about a few weeks ago. When i first had my son i was told by my mother, grandmother, and every other mother i know that fever was dangerous. But a doctor (one i really trust) told me that they have learned that there is no "Dangerous" fever levels anymore, blood doesn't boil, brain damage isn't caused, the only thing that happens is that the child is uncomfortable.  Fever is usually a symptom of infection in the body. Don't let your doctor blow you off, especially since this is recurring and he is not exposed to daycare, which is where most kids pick bugs up. Be firm with the doctor or get a new one if he still won't listen.  Remember that you are his CLIENT.   you pay his paycheck and if he doesn't respond to your concerns, you should shop around to find a doctor who will.

  4. Forget the vitamins...he should be getting all the vitamins he needs if he's eating proper foods.

    How often does he wash his hands?  He should be washing (well, YOU have to rub and rinse for him) for at least 30 seconds (sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice) EVERY time he goes to the bathroom (OK, when you change his diaper), EVERY time he is going to eat, EVERY time he comes in from playing outside, and EVERY time you get home from the grocery store or Target or some place like that.  I think it sounds like he doesn't wash his hands often enough.

    And I also think it sounds like you need a new doctor.  102.8 fever is not super high, but your dr shouldn't just brush you off either.

  5. Ongoing illnesses usually are a sign of something else. But lets not start panicking just yet. Yes mold in a house, the kind that usually comes with older houses, can cause allergies and sometimes even sicknesses. My daughter has allergies which were terrible at your sons age. She was constantly coming down with ear and resp infections. What you need to do is tell your doc that your in no way trying to "find something wrong" but that the recurrence is concerning you. If he tries to blow you off then find another doc. Some doc's DO see numerous cold's and runny noses that are just that. (Used to work in doc's office) However, a doc is also supposed to listen to your concerns and take them to heart. A good pedi will often rely on parents descriptions of symptoms as well as his examination to diagnose. Symptoms are not always apparent in the office. Follow your intuition! And remember the old saying "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" Tell them your concerns! If they don't wanna do anything else about it, switch docs! Good luck!!

  6. I'm going to add to the chorus of "change doctors." No doctor should make you feel like you are overreacting, especially since you say your son is having relatively high fevers.

    Until you can get another doctor, next time your son gets a high fever take him to the nearest ER.  Yes, you'll end up waiting a very long time, but explain to the doctors in the ER that this has been going on for months, and your regular doctor has been dismissing it.  Fevers should not be dismissed so lightly in a baby that young, especially if you can predict it by the calendar like that.

    It's probably nothing serious, and like other people have suggested, I feel like it might be an allergy to something. What else might be going on at the time of the month he is getting sick? Could it be the perfumes or chemicals in your feminine hygeine products?  If you rent, does the landlord collect the rent check in person, or is that the only time of month you visit the bank?

  7. ask his doctor about this, he may tell you to start to give him vitamins

  8. 1 i have been giving my son the gummy vitamins since he was a year old

    2 i would change doctor and have blood work done it seems a little to odd to be getting sick the same time every month   and i would do it to make sure there is nothing really wrong with him

    ill pray for him

  9. i hate it when doctors ignore patient concerns. if he doesnt give you the attention you deserve, i think its time to change doctors. and im not a doctor, but my best guess would be some kind of ongoing infection. i know hes only 21 months, but maybe he has a parasite, that he caught from eating an infected food. there are many different parasites, that cause many different symptoms, including fever, and cold/flu like symptoms. plus its very easy for a child to pick up a parasite. theyre everywhere! and most of them are harmless, just a pain in the butt to get rid of. ask your doctor if it would be prudent to send in a stool sample, just in case.

    another guess would be allergies.

  10. 1. Allergy testing might be a good idea.

    2. I put my kids on vitamins and they get sick a lot less now.

    3. Try and get him to eat citrus fruits once a day.

  11. Adding to everyones *change your doc* you can fire him from being your doc you know. anyways, i was reading and you do any of your major cleaning near or around the time he gets sick. I mean there are things i only do about once a month or twice a heavily cleaning bathroom twice a month, and changing filters, and our bug ppl come out once a week, some ppl have one out once a month. Keep a diary of what you do and when, during that time, including foods and trips. start a week before and end when get gets better. that way when you go in, you can say whether its what you are doing or something else. also, grass cutting, gardening, fertilizing, bleaching, anything regarding chemicals or allergens of any kind. Ask for blood work, and tell them, if you are paying for it, they should do it for you. period. your their employer, they work for you. I hope this helps, and i hope its something as simple as a cleaner he has allergies to, that you can easily identify and remove. Good luck, and let us know if you find out something. I would really like to know the out come.

  12. Hmm take him to  A & E when it happens again.

  13. Give him Vitamins E or/and orange juice, help fight cold and build up this immune system.

    If he's teething, it would explain the fever but not other stuffs.

    Do you expose him to other kids?  Chuck-E-Cheese?  Pre-school?  If so, it might be a good idea to avoid them.

    Also, is he a good eater?  I mean, if he don't eat healthy portions, it might cause him to have wake immune system.

    I gives both my 3 & 1 yrs old vitamins since they're 10 months old.   It only do them goods.

    Change Doctor for sure!

  14. My son was the same way when he was younger. Get a referral for an allergy doctor. We found out he had asthma and allergies. Or have him checked for pneumonia. My sons wasn't ever diagnosed in a doctors office because they couldn't hear it in his lungs, only an x-ray showed it (he had it twice when he was 4 years old).

  15. 1st make sure he isnt allergic to anything in the house.

    2ed it may be allergys or the cold

    hang in there he will be fine.

  16. take him in to an urgent care or a doc in the box... people usually like to keep the same doctor but sometimes you need a second opinoin you dont need an appointment or anything just take him in

  17. could be a number of his sheets on his bed.  If they don't get changed often (like once or twice per week) can cause him to get sickly.  Also, he may be teething.  That always causes fever, congestion and sometimes a runny nose.  Wipe doorknobs, doors, windows, floors, pretty much everything in your house!  Wipe it all down with Lysol disinfectant wipes.  It is weird that he gets sick the same day each month.  I wouldn't mind getting blood work done either, just to make sure.  

    Good luck!

  18. sometimes your living conditions can cause this to happen.

    ask doc. about this too.

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