
My son lost his first tooth. He will be 5 on June 17th. How much money should the "tooth fairy" leave him?

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My son lost his first tooth. He will be 5 on June 17th. How much money should the "tooth fairy" leave him?




  1. i gave my son $5 for his 1st tooth & all the ones he has lost since he gets $1-2...he gets sooo excited!!! GOOD LUCK!!

  2. i lost my first tooth at 6 i got 2 dollars and then 1 50 there after sometimes wen we were having a hard time with money my mom wold tell me the tooth fairy called and she said that it was the tooth fairys birthday or something like that and she will be there on the next day

  3. go to the bank everytime and get "silver dollars" they make a BIG impression

  4. the first tooth is a biggie so people do give $5. we do a dollor per tooth normally . Be sure and tell him the $5 is only for the first tooth ever so he won't expect it again, If you feel its too much use your best judgement, $2 is probably enough, have fun guys, Get a special tooth holder for under the pillow so it dosnt get lost. Having to fake find a lost tooth is ugly!

  5. I used to get a dollar I think, or even just quarters.  Now kids get like $20, but since he's so young I'm sure a dollar would do.

  6. In our house the tooth fairy always leaves a gold dollar coin. It's special and different. Also a note about what good kids they are, sprinkled with a little fairy dust ( glitter)..... I know... I get way too into these things!! =)

  7. 25 cents

  8. I'd leave him $5.00

    it's enough for him to go get an action figure or something and enough to make him feel important or proud of losing his 1st tooth.

    I used to get 5 or 10, but 5 should do!!

    -good luckk

    help me out :);...

  9. When my little brother lost his first tooth last year (he is now six) I gave him a five under his pillow, and for every tooth after that I stick a dollar underneath.

    I just want to point out, however, that whatever your son receives for this first tooth he may expect the same for the nest tooth. When my brother lost his tooth I told him this little story about the Tooth Fairy Payment Guide. Basically it was that the Tooth Fairy gives out five dollars for the first and last baby tooth and a dollar for all the teeth that fall out in between. I know it sounds weird to tell a five year old, but he bought it.

    Good luck!

  10. $2

  11. A dollar and a toothbrush will be fine enough.  My brother didn't lose a tooth until this year (he's six). He got a dollar and a toothbrush and I think he was more excited about getting the toothbrush than the dollar. Lol.  I cried. I love my little brother and he's growing up too fast. It's sad when they lose their baby teeth.  He has only lost 2 teeth (back in October) and he will be 7 in September. I'm not sure if that's normal but they will all probably come out at once now.  The last tooth he lost he tried to trick the "toothfairy".  He wanted to keep the tooth so he rolled up a little piece of paper into a tiny ball and put that under the pillow instead of the tooth.  He found a note under the pillow next to the paper wad from the tooth fairy (mom) saying "This is not a tooth. I'll be back tomorrow night for the real one."  He was steamed lol.

  12. A dollar is a good amount. try this website

  13. I got one to two quaters. They are faily young and don't buy many expensive things and should be pretty enthralled with anything you give them, but I would say give him like anywhere froma quater to a dollor, depending on how generous your feeling. :)

  14. A dollar and he shares my birthday!!!!


  15. This is just my opinion =)

    I don't think you want to leave him to much. I think a dollar would be good enough. He is still young, but old enough to know and remember how much you gave him, so if you give him a 5 or more that may send the wrong message.

    Just my thoughts.

  16. prolly about $5.. that sounds pretty resonable to give an almpst 5 year old

  17. Gee, I only used to get a quarter. I would give $1 for each tooth. It can get pretty expensive. I have never heard of a child getting $20 from the tooth fairy. That's kind of ridiculous. Their teeth are not made of gold.

  18. i would make it special 3-two dallor bills and a bunch of fifty cent pieces

  19. we give our son 2 dollars a tooth an we just had to shell out 8 dollars in the last month half ot that in the last week.

  20. 4 to 6 singles or bunch of penies

  21. My son lost his first tooth about a month ago, I was going to leave him $1 but my mother in law gave me $5 and told me to leave that, so I did, after that her brother gave him $4 extra. So I guess times have changed and as much as you can spare is ok.

  22. It depends on your son if he doesnt know much about money then start small like 50 cents or a dollar. Hes got alot of teeth to go. He should be more excited about the tooth fairy visiting him then how much money she will bring him. Hes only 5 years old.

  23. $5 for the 1st tooth and $1.50-$2 thereafter..

  24. I gave mine about 6 quarters maybe give or take a couple because they love the quarter machines but I have gave them a dollar and a couple quarters.

  25. Hahaha, my son lost his first tooth last year at age 6, and expected $20 from the tooth fairy, but instead, he got $1 and a little note written in little "fairy" handwritng along with his money.... Needless to say, he was absolutely stoked he got a note.

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